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  • Name : Hailey Paige
  • City/Country : Michigan, United States
  • Birthday : Sep 24, 1996
  • Gender : Female
  • Profile Views : 1680
  • Number of comments : 158
  • Number of stories : 123

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Kasey Cullen
The Fifth Marauder


About Member

I don't like Twilight anymore. I just want the last movie to be over with and done. The obsession is so old. I've moved on to bigger and better things. I'm writing a book, actually. It's called "The Right Direction" and has to do with Child Abuse. (No; it is not a true story. People have asked me that time and time again.) Here's a synopsis of the book... Sixteen-year-old Elizabeth Mohr has a dark secret: She gets abused by her mother. A car accident that killed both her father and sister has led her mother, Lauren, into thinking it was all Elizabeth's fault. On her sixteenth birthday, she tried to report her mother, but Child Protective Services let her go, listening to Lauren's stories that claim Elizabeth is a self-harmer and is just begging for attention. One day, however, she meets a boy named Vladimir, a serious, silelent observer. They are forced to do a child abuse project for English. Vladimir figures out Elizabeth's secret almost immediately and is desperate to stop it from getting worse. He promises not to report Elizabeth's mother until she says she's ready, and he tries to turn her life around; he teaches her some fighting moves, lets her stay over at his house, makes sure she eats. But later, another tradgety that unfolds forces Elizabeth that she needs to do this on her own, that she must find the courage to save herself before her situation gets worse. Now, a little more about ME. I'm 15, soon to be 16 in September. This is a little shocking; I'm blind in my right eye, and have only a small amount of vision in the other. It's been like that my whole life; I've never had full site. I love chocolate, writing, poetry, seeing family and friends, and listening to music. (No longer the Twilight Soundtracks 24/7, though some of the music is actually really good.) My book is half-way done; I'm on chapter five now. I read non-fiction, fiction, Adventure/Sci-fi, and love to write; my imagination usually gets the best of me lately. If you have any more questions about me, please don't hesitate to ask!


A while ago, I was at a sleepover with my friends and was reading Breaking Dawn for the 6th time. All of a sudden I started crying and then bawling my eyes out. My concerned friends asked what was wrong, and I pointed to the two little words "The End" on the last page.They still make fun of me. MLIT

#473 (4) - Nov 30, 2009 08:10 PM by Ashvovoom - My Life - So twilight! (40) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

Today me and my friends decided to do a contest to see who can get the most twilight posters. I know i'm gonna win! How you may ask!? I know I'm gonna win because i never told them how many i started off with!!! LOL!!! P.S. I already have 174 Twilight posters. MLISOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!! TEAM EDWARD

#35356 (213) - May 23, 2010 08:19 PM by TwilightPrincess939 - Friends - So twilight! (1019) - Needs more twilight.. (3011)

Over the summer, I overheard people talking. I heard one word: Spidermonkey. I did not know these people, but I still screamed. "YOU BETTER HOLD ON TIGHT, SPIDERMONKEY!" MLIT

#489 (0) - Nov 30, 2009 08:25 PM by twilight2muchx3 - My Life - So twilight! (54) - Needs more twilight.. (57)

Next Sept 3 friends and I are going to vacation in WA. we will go to Port Angeles, (have dinner at Bella Italia), Forks, LaPush and Seattle. We are all twilight moms. We are so excited. Our families think we are crazy! We don't care. MILT

#458 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 07:53 PM by imtwicrazy - Friends - So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today, I spent 3 hours making this twilight website. MLIT

#7 (210) - Jun 5, 6648 12:59 PM by christophermc - My Life - So twilight! (4638) - Needs more twilight.. (4639)

I have a Cullen Crest ring from Hot Topic and when I wear it, I feel like I'm part of the Cullen familly. *blushes* -MLIT

#275 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 05:20 PM by ForeverTwilight - My Life - So twilight! (43) - Needs more twilight.. (49)

I'm 25 years old and I scheduled the day off of work 8 months in advance so I could go watch New Moon as many times as possible, got a babysitter and got to the theatre 3 hours early to scream with all of the kids that were there. Ah, the bonding experience of Twilight fans! MLIT.

#448 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 07:44 PM by skshep - Work - So twilight! (56) - Needs more twilight.. (30)

Today, I remembered that a couple of weeks ago when catching the bus home from school I saw a street near my school called Esme St. what was the street off it? Edward St. best place to live? I think so :) MLIT.

#215 (4) - Nov 30, 2009 03:57 PM by MrsEmmettCullen - School - So twilight! (62) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

Today a few seniors at my school came running up to me screaming "MLIT or MLIA" I looked at them strait in the eye and said "It's MLIT or nothing" Guess who got a high-five and a free frappichino? MLIT (and nothing else)

#19923 (47) - Jan 20, 2010 07:30 PM by Plumpy the Purple Hippo - School - So twilight! (270) - Needs more twilight.. (477)

Today, I told my History teacher that I was a vampire and I had eaten seven humans over the weekend. I am no longer her favourite, just the weirdo who sits in the corner. MLIT!

#26377 (42) - Mar 14, 2010 08:16 AM by Twilighter101 - School - So twilight! (421) - Needs more twilight.. (865)

Sigh...I'm seriously considering breaking up with my boyfriend of 4 years because I want to be loved the way Edward loves Bella. Does that even exist anymore?

#2770 (17) - Dec 2, 2009 11:56 AM by whatevs - Love - So twilight! (130) - Needs more twilight.. (100)

Well, I have dreams of twilight at least once a week. Creepy; I read the books to much. MLIT

#70 (2) - Jun 5, 2331 12:59 PM by teamswitzerland - Random - So twilight! (55) - Needs more twilight.. (98)

Today, I realised whilst watching Twilight that I was lip syncing every word. I guess you could say I'm obsessed, I'm 36. MLIT

#45041 (159) - Aug 19, 2010 12:30 PM by Clare - Random - So twilight! (1133) - Needs more twilight.. (2315)

Today in history class, my teacher was saying how next year we'll be learning more about the early-mid 1900s. She asked if we knew anything important that happened then and my BFF leans over and says "I'm pretty sure that's when, like, every Cullen died." I love my friends.

#35352 (88) - May 23, 2010 06:28 PM by eamagrin2 - Friends - So twilight! (1020) - Needs more twilight.. (2049)

Today me and my boyfriend Edward watched Twilight and whenever Edward Cullen's lines came on he would repeat them line for line. While he did Edward's I did Bella's. It was fun especailly when we did the kissing scene he put an ice pack on his lips before we kissed and that was our first kiss too :D

#5302 (27) - Dec 7, 2009 11:48 AM by TeamEdward4Ever - My Life - So twilight! (1495) - Needs more twilight.. (445)

My girlfriend reads this every night. I want her to have something special to read. Ava.. I love you. And also.. You know how my hands are always cold? And how I bite all the time? Yea.. put two and two together.

#5272 (71) - Dec 7, 2009 10:10 AM by Vamp - Love - So twilight! (2336) - Needs more twilight.. (761)

Every night I fall asleep with one of the Twilight books in my arms. And if I start reading it in the middle of the night, my mom tries to take it, and I growl and scream. I'm so protective of them. I literally hold them in my arms as I sleep, feeling like they'll keep me safe. MLIT.

#2542 (12) - Dec 2, 2009 09:02 AM by lexi5twilight - My Life - So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (23)

Today I was a little upset. My mom keeps telling me that Edward isnt real and it was really freaking me out. What did I do? I ran straight to my room and sat next to my card board cut out of Edward and reread my favorite parts of the books. I feel so much better now! MLIT

#608 (8) - Dec 1, 2009 04:56 AM by LYSSAAA - Love - So twilight! (73) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

The day before my friend and I went to see New Moon, we ordered tickets online. As they were printing out, we clapped and cheered. OLAT (Our lives are Twilight).

#4662 (5) - Dec 5, 2009 01:11 PM by alicullen2 - Friends - So twilight! (91) - Needs more twilight.. (45)

Today, I got my 52 year old aunt a team Edward shirt that she is now Proudly wearing. MLIT.

#4516 (2) - Dec 5, 2009 08:39 AM by Cullen - Friends - So twilight! (113) - Needs more twilight.. (38)

Today, for my birthday, my roommates got me a life size cardboard cutout of Edward. Now Edward watches over me as I sleep :) MLIT.

#4470 (7) - Dec 5, 2009 01:58 AM by SBUP607 - Friends - So twilight! (109) - Needs more twilight.. (25)

Today, I was in my martial arts class. My instructor told us to motivate our partners to work harder. My partner looked at me and said "I'll be the Wolf Pack and you be the Cullens." It worked. MLIT

#3914 (3) - Dec 4, 2009 06:09 AM by silverrose43 - Friends - So twilight! (101) - Needs more twilight.. (19)

Today me and my friend were discussing whether or not to go ice skating i am like really clumsy and manage to fall over all the time. So when my friend turned and went so shall we go I answered with "Well ice does't really help the uncoordinated!" MLIT

#3589 (0) - Dec 3, 2009 10:39 AM by miss cullen - Friends - So twilight! (61) - Needs more twilight.. (55)

My friend and I were in the lunch line on campus today when we saw a sign that said TOFU. We stopped, looked at each other and said, "It keeps you strong but never fully satisfies." MLIT

#3317 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 11:38 PM by twihard08 - Friends - So twilight! (79) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today, I realised my hair is bown jus like bellas! :D MLIT

#35364 (520) - May 24, 2010 10:14 AM by BELLA_ - Random - So twilight! (1252) - Needs more twilight.. (10321)

Today my brother was sick and laying on the couch fake moaning in pain. He was doing this for about ten minutes and annoyed I finally got up and said something to him. I said, "You're sick? Maybe you should go to the hospital. Do you want me to put you in the hospital?!"

#5893 (11) - Dec 8, 2009 09:03 PM by Strawsinjuice - My Life - So twilight! (167) - Needs more twilight.. (332)

Today my husband overreacted to something to which I commented "Chillax." He glared at me and asked "Where did you pick that up from?" I just shrugged. I don't think I can admit where I picked it up from. The fifty references I make to Twilight a day are beginning to scare him.

#4495 (5) - Dec 5, 2009 06:48 AM by jlee - My Life - So twilight! (77) - Needs more twilight.. (31)

Today in chemistry class, I noticed that our really cute german foreign exchange student got really tan over vacation. He no longer looks like Edward Cullen, we all agree that he is now mildly less attractive. MLIT

#24889 (65) - Feb 24, 2010 07:20 PM by Ali - School - So twilight! (367) - Needs more twilight.. (993)

I love reading MLIT that I made it my home page so that when i open i new webpage I can get side tracted by reading peoples funny stories. MLIT!

#5214 (4) - Dec 7, 2009 02:35 AM by BrittneyDalZotto - Random - So twilight! (55) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

Today, I read the part in New Moon were Edward leaves, and even though I have read it over 50 times, I still bawl like a baby each time screaming, NO EDWARD YOU CAN'T. MLIT.

#551 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 11:46 PM by HaleyCullen - Love - So twilight! (68) - Needs more twilight.. (55)

I Went To See Eclipse At The First Showing The Day It Opened. Best Movie Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MLIT

#45034 (133) - Aug 19, 2010 10:30 AM by I Love Eclipse - My Life - So twilight! (289) - Needs more twilight.. (3382)

Today, in history we are starting a research paper, we have to pick a topic from history that interest us. I immediately knew what I was going to write about: the Southern vampire Wars from Eclipse. I was so excited and knew my paper would be best, then i remembered they are not a real event. MLIT.

#21933 (61) - Feb 1, 2010 05:10 PM by kendall - School - So twilight! (1902) - Needs more twilight.. (953)

Today, my boyfriend cut the brakes on my car! MLIT!

#164 (62) - Nov 30, 2009 02:54 PM by Anonymous - Love - So twilight! (791) - Needs more twilight.. (1232)

Today, my dad finally watched the first Twilight movie. I am kind of obsessed with Twilight and have seen the movie a couple times. Now, at dinner, my dad and I can finally talk about Twilight. That just made my day! MLIT

#26416 (28) - Mar 14, 2010 03:07 PM by Lee - My Life - So twilight! (387) - Needs more twilight.. (1154)

For my 17th birthday I went around asking people to ask how old I was so I could do the "How old are you?" thing from twilight. Everytime I did, I giggled and started saying "I'm a vampire! RAWR!" People stared. I don't care. (: MLIT

#625 (3) - Dec 1, 2009 07:03 AM by sa5mcullen - My Life - So twilight! (35) - Needs more twilight.. (89)

I Realized That I Am Unconditionally And Irrevocably In Love With Bella. MLIT

#45032 (191) - Aug 19, 2010 10:12 AM by I Love Eclipse - My Life - So twilight! (471) - Needs more twilight.. (2823)

Today, in Biology, we learned about chromosomes. The teacher asked how many pairs of chromosomes humans had. Someone responded "23." The girl next to me and I both screamed "BUT NOT VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES!" MLIT

#1831 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 07:07 PM by anonymous - School - So twilight! (87) - Needs more twilight.. (54)

On my computer i have my weather set to Forks and when its sunny i get a little disappointed because the Cullens cant come outside. MLIT

#27087 (65) - Mar 19, 2010 07:39 PM by twilightfreak - My Life - So twilight! (3246) - Needs more twilight.. (2072)

Today it snowed and since the sun was shining I went outside to play in it. Suddenly I realized that the snow glitters in the sun light, is very white, and is cold to the touch. Snow is like Edward Cullen. I was very excited by this. MLIT

#27115 (144) - Mar 20, 2010 01:13 AM by icequeen - My Life - So twilight! (813) - Needs more twilight.. (1888)

I work the graveyard shift- 11 pm to 7 am. I was telling someone about this, and they replied, "So, you work the vampire shift, huh?" I just smiled.

#591 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 02:31 AM by DiehardTwihard - Work - So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (36)

Today i found myself getting really really annoyed at people who call themselves obsessed but know absolutely nothing compared to what i know. MLIT

#2388 (9) - Dec 2, 2009 01:02 AM by twilightgadaisukidesu! - Random - So twilight! (69) - Needs more twilight.. (45)

Today, I realized that everytime I read a book in the Twilight Saga I realize how much my life sucks. Too bad vampires don't exist because I crave to have an Edward.. MLIT

#17482 (19) - Jan 14, 2010 05:45 PM by AwesomeAlli - My Life - So twilight! (329) - Needs more twilight.. (143)

I bought this blood energy drink at Hot topic and held it up to my fiance` and yelled, "I'm a vampire!" I took one gulp of it and started choking on it he sarcastically comes back with; "looks like your more of a werewolf." lmao MLIT

#954 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 12:28 PM by Sunbunny - My Life - So twilight! (145) - Needs more twilight.. (46)

Today my mom, sister, and I were driving to the store when we drove by a car dealership. I began to scream at the top of my lungs causing my mom to get scared and swerve on the, thankfully, empty road. She asked what was wrong. I told her I saw a shiny silver volvo. My sister laughed. MLIT

#8443 (28) - Dec 20, 2009 11:16 AM by edwardismine13 - My Life - So twilight! (215) - Needs more twilight.. (238)

My boyfriend got so sick of me talking about how good the Twilight Saga was he decided to read it. He hated it, and then told me to choose him or my obsession. I said you know the answer, to which he replied "Thank God". He didn't get it until I told him to get out of my house. MLIT.

#3070 (79) - Dec 2, 2009 06:51 PM by Fixie14 - Love - So twilight! (1436) - Needs more twilight.. (524)

My friend and I, were super excited in biology. We started a lab on cell division. We had to label the phases of mitosis. I immediately grabbed the microscope and looked, I said "anaphase, wanna check?" and we burst out laughing. It was also raining that day, and our school mascot is the spartan. (:

#20892 (8) - Jan 25, 2010 05:09 PM by icalljacob.endofstory. - School - So twilight! (654) - Needs more twilight.. (241)

Today while in the supermarket, I spent 2 hours with my poor mother who I'd made help me find the PERFECT apple to match the twilight book cover. My brother ate it 1 hour later. MLIT.

#246 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 04:49 PM by LivinOnTwilight - Friends - So twilight! (88) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

Well I remember that about two weeks ago, my friend rachel and I were sittin in english and they were readin a poem. The poem just happened to have the word "twilight" in and so when they read it outloud ,rachel n me screamed"Edward", MLIT.

#2958 (3) - Dec 2, 2009 02:36 PM by Mrs. Vivi Edward Cullen - Friends - So twilight! (27) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

The otherday on the way to school, my friend all of a sudden started hyperventalating and pressing herself against the window. Too hysterical to show me what she had seen, I looked in the immediate direction she was. She spotted a New Moon billboard. I will never see her the same again. MLIT

#3146 (3) - Dec 2, 2009 07:57 PM by iAmHarryPotter - Friends - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (42)

I talk to my stand up posters of Edward and Jacob. I created facebook accounts for them. I think that in my mind they are real people who just hang out in my room all day. MLIT

#2397 (6) - Dec 2, 2009 01:27 AM by scullen - Friends - So twilight! (53) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

I saw this girl at school that looks exactly like alice and we are now best friends but I will never tell her why I wanted to be friends with her. I still smile every time I see her and I feel like I'm hanging out with alice whenever I'm with her. MLIT.

#240 (5) - Nov 30, 2009 04:42 PM by team_sethclearwater - Friends - So twilight! (59) - Needs more twilight.. (44)

Today, I recieved an email from the Pacific Inn Motel in Forks wishing me happy birthday! Best birthday email ever? I think so! MLIT

#198 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 03:33 PM by marlena - Friends - So twilight! (40) - Needs more twilight.. (31)

My friend and I happen to run into a lot of random people who love Twilight and we also have dreams about it. It seems that Twilight pops up EVERYWHERE. So, we now call it "The Twilight Stalker." So when we text about it, we say for instance "OMG, The Twilight Stalker was in Taco Bell. O.o" MLIT. :)

#189 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 03:25 PM by GottaLuvTwilight - Friends - So twilight! (32) - Needs more twilight.. (57)

Today, my boyfriend and I were kissing. He starts kissing me down my neck and I say no and pull myself away. He then proceeds to say, " would it be better if I iced my lips?" I am so in love. MLIT.

#8438 (36) - Dec 20, 2009 10:51 AM by chikkibabe101 - Love - So twilight! (1180) - Needs more twilight.. (387)

i totally hurt my wrist from punching my friend... i keep on remembering how bella hurt her wrist when she punched, i dont mind and i keep on wishing a doctor with a son named edward cullen will come and help me..... ;D MLIT

#4748 (8) - Dec 5, 2009 03:52 PM by edwardluvr77 - Random - So twilight! (92) - Needs more twilight.. (40)

At my middle school we all get Mac laptops which are white and shiny. We all named them Edward. MLIT

#26417 (70) - Mar 14, 2010 03:11 PM by BellaCullen - School - So twilight! (884) - Needs more twilight.. (1261)

When your supervisor openly acknowledges that you are a vampire in a big meeting, you know you've mentioned Twilight and Vampires enough. MLIT

#3935 (4) - Dec 4, 2009 08:18 AM by Mrs.Cullen - Work - So twilight! (123) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

When I took the SAT's, I wrote my entire essay on the Twilight series and how it relates to wanting something and needing something. I got a 6/6 on the Essay. MLIT

#3390 (0) - Dec 3, 2009 02:26 AM by l1l_v - School - So twilight! (59) - Needs more twilight.. (16)

Today, I relized that I am born on the same Day as Bella. I feel special. MLIT

#1444 (6) - Dec 1, 2009 03:24 PM by smileplease - My Life - So twilight! (67) - Needs more twilight.. (41)

A few days ago I was in my boyfriends room. It was night and the only light was coming from the street lights outside. He had his shirt off and the way the light hit his skin he was pale and sparkly. Best night of my life.

#1176 (3) - Dec 1, 2009 02:37 PM by justafan - My Life - So twilight! (53) - Needs more twilight.. (30)

Today, my best friend showed me this site. I realized that I'm not the only person in the world that relates their life to twilight, dreams of Edward and wishes that my boyfriend were a immortal and perfect! Forever.. MLIT!!!

#15724 (28) - Jan 11, 2010 04:22 PM by ali2580 - Friends - So twilight! (279) - Needs more twilight.. (384)

Today, I saw a commercial for Eclipse on TV. I am so excited, it's getting close :)).

#35308 (35) - May 22, 2010 11:22 AM by kergie - Random - So twilight! (317) - Needs more twilight.. (2213)

Today I saw a MLIT post talking about the Cullens in the phone book and street signs with the character names, so what do I do? I grab our phone book and guess what? There is an Edward Cullen that lives in the next town over!! I wonder how many phone calls THAT poor guy gets?? MLIT

#6188 (11) - Dec 9, 2009 08:01 PM by Zuriuma - Random - So twilight! (167) - Needs more twilight.. (95)

Today, my fiancee asked me where I wanted to go for our honeymoon and I said Isle Esme. MLIT

#10651 (39) - Jan 3, 2010 01:29 PM by TwilightRocks - Love - So twilight! (2502) - Needs more twilight.. (1217)

Today I saw the trailer for Eclipse (again). I flipped out (again). MLIT.

#26420 (59) - Mar 14, 2010 03:36 PM by NevilleIsMadeOfAwesome - Random - So twilight! (523) - Needs more twilight.. (1457)

Today, I realized that I have a friend who got pregnant, she's also a Twilight fan and she named her baby girl Isabella just so that she could call her 'Bella'. MLIT.

#10623 (24) - Jan 3, 2010 12:56 PM by Mashie93 - Friends - So twilight! (440) - Needs more twilight.. (634)

Today at lunch my friends and I gave each other TwiPersonas. I'm Alice because of my shortness and amazing fashion sense. My other friends are Rosalie(blonde) and Bella(Ed+Jake-like boy problems). "Bella" really lived up to her name by going skydiving a few weeks later and has plans to cliff dive. MLIT

#104 (3) - Jun 5, 2934 01:00 PM by jacleeeeen - Friends - So twilight! (46) - Needs more twilight.. (54)

When I first started reading the twilight saga I got so into it that I lied to friends, called in sick for work, and skipped meals. All four books were read in under 48 hours.

#4441 (6) - Dec 4, 2009 11:25 PM by starling - My Life - So twilight! (112) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

I was at the grocery store buying ground beef today when two girls snuck up as close to me as they could without (they thought) me noticing. One whispered to the other, "NO she's not." The other angrily whispered back, "Oh she's got to be! Pale skin, pretty, and even buying bloody meat? C'mon!" MLIT

#8357 (40) - Dec 19, 2009 08:16 PM by im_vampiresque - My Life - So twilight! (1224) - Needs more twilight.. (526)

Today I overheard two guys talking in Science, one of them asked, "How old are you?", the guy then responded, "Seventeen." I quickly turned around and asked, "How long have you been seventeen?" The two guys stared at me in utter confusion. My best friend backed me up by responding, "A while." MLIT.

#15762 (63) - Jan 11, 2010 04:53 PM by TeamEdward - My Life - So twilight! (3174) - Needs more twilight.. (1038)

Today I was playing Sorority Life on Facebook. I realized I had spelled 'Cullen' as 'Culen' in my username. I am a bad Twifan. MLIT

#10620 (25) - Jan 3, 2010 12:41 PM by ah_masquerade - My Life - So twilight! (428) - Needs more twilight.. (1604)

Today my 9 year old daughter wanted to play Hangman on my iTouch. The App lets you create your own words. My loving daughter created the word "RPATZ". It took me a while before I figured out what the word was. I am only slightly embarassed that my children are so aware of my Twi-obsession. MLIT

#3265 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 10:00 PM by Juliet4Robeo - My Life - So twilight! (50) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

Today, I go to my work at a book store when a group of people walk in dressed as the Cullen's. One of them saw me and told me that I looked like Esme. I now have the photo of us together framed on the wall. MLIT To the Max!

#6164 (13) - Dec 9, 2009 07:06 PM by CullenFan - Work - So twilight! (203) - Needs more twilight.. (95)

Today I called 8 diffrent wallmarts, 3 blockbusters, and two fye's, just to see which store would have the best new moon release party. MLIT

#27056 (15) - Mar 19, 2010 02:17 PM by Fanpire12 - My Life - So twilight! (369) - Needs more twilight.. (931)

My 4 year old daughter HAD to see New Moon and wear her "I love edward" shirt. we walked out of the movie and she informed me she "switched teams" and needed a team jacob t-shirt because she likes it when he takes his shirt off. where did she learn that?! I about died. ps. I still love edward.

#502 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 08:49 PM by stealiedoo - My Life - So twilight! (52) - Needs more twilight.. (33)

I'm such a huge fan of the Twilight series, that my husband and I named our child, Edward Cullen Brown! :) we even got him little fangs, for halloween, but we still make him wear them! :D .....MLIT.

#3660 (19) - Dec 3, 2009 12:05 PM by bellalover578 - My Life - So twilight! (408) - Needs more twilight.. (93)

Today I went to the store and there was this guy that looked exactly like Jackson Rathbone!!! My friend and I covertly followed him around the store for over half an hour. We were very disappointed when he got in a very non-Cullen car when he left. To remember it, we bought a twilight poster. MLIT

#19859 (10) - Jan 20, 2010 03:34 PM by PMedan - My Life - So twilight! (214) - Needs more twilight.. (152)

Today, I was driving with my sister and it was snowing. She pointed out that the road was so sparkly and beautiful. I proceeded to say, "Yeah! It looks like Edward Cullen threw up!" MLIT.

#19816 (12) - Jan 20, 2010 12:45 PM by 15ForeverTwilight - My Life - So twilight! (277) - Needs more twilight.. (143)

Today, my mom and I were driving home when we passed a doctors office. The sign said "Dr. Cullen MD. But Dont Worry, I Don't Bite." LMAO. MLIT. :)

#184 (29) - Nov 30, 2009 03:18 PM by GottaLuvTwilight - Random - So twilight! (3340) - Needs more twilight.. (733)

While handing out tickets to my friends to go see New Moon for the 5th time, I got a papercut. Coincidence? MLIT

#5999 (5) - Dec 9, 2009 10:05 AM by iCara - My Life - So twilight! (191) - Needs more twilight.. (108)

Last week, I went out drinking for my friends 21st birthday. The entire night, we fed him shots and dirty pints, and all night he would not stop talking about twilight. He got so drunk he passed out. We left him outside a police station with a note saying 'I'm a werewolf, arrest me'. HLIT

#5597 (9) - Dec 8, 2009 08:02 AM by John - Friends - So twilight! (185) - Needs more twilight.. (78)

Today I looked at my watch and it said 09:18 I automatically thought of 1918...that amazing year

#19941 (28) - Jan 20, 2010 09:21 PM by Bella_Cullen - Random - So twilight! (245) - Needs more twilight.. (449)

I have always been against the twilight series, but then I read the books and fell in love. Then one day in class it began to thunder outside, and in the dead silence I yelled "ooo the Cullen must be playing baseball!!". Needless to say, I've been shunned by my male friends. MLIT

#5952 (15) - Dec 9, 2009 06:14 AM by Pilot Point loserr - School - So twilight! (257) - Needs more twilight.. (74)

Today I was sittingin class when my south american teacher wanted to be asked three questions. One guy asked "What's your favorite book?" and another one said " Please say Twilight!" the teacher stared and asked "Whats Twilight?. MLIT

#17514 (22) - Jan 14, 2010 06:27 PM by Jacob\'sLilSis - My Life - So twilight! (204) - Needs more twilight.. (392)

Today I had a dream I was with Edward. My friend was mad at me because we were making out on her bed. We ended up breaking a few of things. Edward promised he would he would pay for them. My mom woke me up for school. I locked my door and went back to sleep, hoping I would pick up my dream. MLIT

#17476 (8) - Jan 14, 2010 05:38 PM by Edward1901:J - My Life - So twilight! (232) - Needs more twilight.. (128)

Today I looked through the phone book and cold-called all the numbers under 'Cullen' to see if Edward answered. He didn't :-( Guess I'll have to be satisfied with imagining my poster tells me he loves me in a sexy RPattz voice. MLIT.

#5301 (16) - Dec 7, 2009 11:44 AM by sparklepiresexy - Love - So twilight! (154) - Needs more twilight.. (61)

Today, at dinner we were talking about a family member who had recently passed. His name was Edward. While everyone was crying and talking about him, I was sitting there smiling thinking about Edward Cullen. MLIT.

#33 (30) - Jun 5, 291 12:59 PM by Twilightdepp - My Life - So twilight! (218) - Needs more twilight.. (224)

Recently after finishing breaking dawn, I had a dream that I was getting ready to marry Edward. Alice was telling me that I was going to be late and I panicked. I got to see a short glimpse of my husband to be right before waking up. When I realized it was a dream I couldn't stop myself from crying

#432 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 07:22 PM by DanDan - My Life - So twilight! (34) - Needs more twilight.. (37)

The other day (since I was out of town and not at a computer) I was driving around a little town and kept seeing "Whitlock" on everything, Whitlock Road, Whitlock subdivision, and I got really excited and wondered if I'd see Jasper anywhere. Yeah.. MLIT.

#5311 (4) - Dec 7, 2009 12:13 PM by Tigerlily31 - Random - So twilight! (114) - Needs more twilight.. (42)

Today I wore my Team Edward shirt to school. When I walked to my history class, the teacher screamed "OME! HE'S MINE!". I never laughed so hard.

#4790 (2) - Dec 5, 2009 05:59 PM by TeamVampires - School - So twilight! (222) - Needs more twilight.. (54)

I went to the midnight premiere of new moon, skipped school to see it another 2 times, later on that day. MLIT

#58 (7) - Jun 5, 6615 12:59 PM by lex15 - Random - So twilight! (139) - Needs more twilight.. (87)

My friend and I are planning a trip to Seattle over spring break... the thing I am most excited about is going to Forks. MLIT

#2182 (4) - Dec 1, 2009 09:34 PM by NatalieMarie07 - My Life - So twilight! (41) - Needs more twilight.. (58)

The other night I woke up and had to pee and screamed when I walked into my bathroom because I thought there was a man in my shower but it was really the taylor lautner cut out I stole from burger king taped to my shower door.

#6418 (32) - Dec 10, 2009 04:58 PM by lemongrassboo - Random - So twilight! (753) - Needs more twilight.. (195)

I took a few pictures with my friends, after getting them developed, i realized i had red eye in almost all of them... my first thought was " I'M A NEW BORN!" MLIT

#3937 (3) - Dec 4, 2009 08:49 AM by pope - Friends - So twilight! (99) - Needs more twilight.. (34)

Today, I was at school early and my friend came up and said "You look really mad... and pale." I said "Yeah, im turning into a vampire." She walked away. MLIT

#382 (4) - Nov 30, 2009 06:35 PM by Hannahabbe - School - So twilight! (36) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

I was working in the yard, and every time I walked in the sunlight I pretended that i could sparkle and that Edward was there. Then, I remembered the scene in New Moon when Bella is a vampire and they are in Italy, and I started to run slowly and act it out.

#1293 (3) - Dec 1, 2009 02:52 PM by EngrossedInTwilight - My Life - So twilight! (52) - Needs more twilight.. (54)

Today, (actually a few months ago) I read twilight for the first time... I finished the book in 7 and a half hours then proceeded to cry because I so badly wanted my life to be like Bella Swan's and I really wanted an Edward for myself. MLIT

#4830 (22) - Dec 5, 2009 07:11 PM by tWiliGht_lOveR - Random - So twilight! (287) - Needs more twilight.. (101)

I'm sitting in class and the teacher begins to talk about washington i immediatly think of twilight. My friend beside me is tall, pale and thin with amber looking eyes! He brushed up against my skin freezing! I look up "i know what you are." He proceeds to go "say it say it out loud!" Whoa i didnt expect that. MLIT

#45036 (111) - Aug 19, 2010 10:54 AM by ayla225 - School - So twilight! (3140) - Needs more twilight.. (1591)

Today my boyfriend touched my face, and for the fisrt time i didn't flinch at how cold his hands were. He looked at me and said............"your pretending i'm Edward aren't you?" I blushed as we both knew it was true. I can offically say MLIT!!!!

#20958 (222) - Jan 26, 2010 07:56 AM by lisacullen - Love - So twilight! (8800) - Needs more twilight.. (6139)

Today I had twin boys and named one Edward and the other Jacob. MLIT

#1609 (406) - Dec 1, 2009 04:44 PM by lovetwilight - My Life - So twilight! (4162) - Needs more twilight.. (3077)

Today I counted how many times I've read the book twilight 21 times was my answer I looked at my door deticated to Taylor Lautner and picked up my sock monkey named Bella and laughed I'm not that obssesed! MLIT

#89 (8) - Jun 5, 3013 12:59 PM by Twilightobessedfreak262 - Random - So twilight! (58) - Needs more twilight.. (79)

Today last year, some new neighbours moved into the house next to mine (which is right next to a forest with a river). Their surname is Hale. The father is a doctor. His son is called Ed. Whenever it is sunny-which is hardly ever- they always go camping. Guess what, they drive a silver volvo. MLIT.

#45025 (78) - Aug 19, 2010 06:05 AM by Neighbours2Edward - Random - So twilight! (3558) - Needs more twilight.. (1194)

Today my boyfriend brought me into the woods and said we had to talk. Come to find out he was moving to Arkansas! I was so excited because he said it like exactly the same way Edward said it in New Moon! But then I realized he was breaking up with me. When I turned around he was already gone! MLIT!!

#5582 (39) - Dec 8, 2009 06:48 AM by rap1345 - Love - So twilight! (1180) - Needs more twilight.. (352)

My 15th B-day was on a school day. I got up early to take a shower before school. I was half asleep. I walked in to the bathroom and oddly the lights were off. I was staring at the floor (I couldn't keep head up I was so tired) and when I lookd up I saw an Edward standing by the shower. It was a cardboard cutout. My family thinks they're so funny.. MLIT

#40 (4) - Jun 5, 1309 12:59 PM by robsessed - My Life - So twilight! (204) - Needs more twilight.. (107)

After a test at school, we caught my 50 year old geography and science teacher reading Breaking Dawn. It was lucky we had to be silent otherwise we would be wetting our pants. It was a proud moment for me, yet I don't want my mum to read the Twilight Saga, mainly because of Breaking Dawn.

#8188 (14) - Dec 19, 2009 03:12 AM by dc - School - So twilight! (93) - Needs more twilight.. (238)

Today as I'm driving down the highway i do what i usually do and look at other cars. As i do this I'm thinking of how amazing it will be to see Eclipse. The first car i see is a deep blue car brand: ECLIPSE....ironic. MLIT

#27125 (71) - Mar 20, 2010 08:02 AM by Mrs.Janelle Cullen - My Life - So twilight! (421) - Needs more twilight.. (1861)

On Halloween all of my friends came over and we all dressed up as the Volturi. We took my Edward Cullen cardboard cutout, and put him in a red cloak. We all stood outside with candy that night, acting out scenes from the book....then i scared a little girl by kissing my cutout. MLIT

#10688 (56) - Jan 3, 2010 02:34 PM by punchingwolves - Friends - So twilight! (564) - Needs more twilight.. (1129)

Today I was in Bath and Body works when I came upon an entire section devoted to products called "Twilight Woods." I bought one of everything. I figure Edward will feel more at home. MLIT.

#17560 (31) - Jan 14, 2010 08:16 PM by IrresistableSmells - My Life - So twilight! (487) - Needs more twilight.. (226)

In Geography we were learning about native Indians. We learned about reserves and treatiesand naturally, the only thing that came to my mind was Jacob and La Push. When my teacher asked the class if we could name any reserves, my friend and I both responded by shouting out 'LA PUSH BABY. LA PUSH."

#1717 (1) - Dec 1, 2009 05:31 PM by Angela - My Life - So twilight! (125) - Needs more twilight.. (27)

Today I thought I would tell you that in England we have Washing Powder and Fabric Softener call TWILIGHT SENSATIONS . Of course I buy it so that my husband smells like Edward - I am 47 - is this wrong? I hope not !!

#10686 (99) - Jan 3, 2010 02:27 PM by samtash111 - Random - So twilight! (805) - Needs more twilight.. (1444)

Today I had an hour between classes. It's the week before finals and I have two speeches to present in two days. Instead of working I read a few pages and then started mentally kicking myself because I left my Twilight books at home when I left for college. I might actually cry. MLIT

#2505 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 08:15 AM by MissingMyTwilight - School - So twilight! (40) - Needs more twilight.. (17)

This past november, my friend (Who's nicknamed Bella) and I were planning on going to see Twilight: New Moon together, because I'm Native American and nicknamed "Jakey." (My car is a red truck from 1963). She went with her boyfriend instead. I found out later he drives a silver Volvo. MLIT.

#17582 (22) - Jan 14, 2010 08:51 PM by hamptonhauser - My Life - So twilight! (2191) - Needs more twilight.. (588)

Today, I discovered mylifeistwilight through averagewizard. Thank you person from averagewizard, for showng me a better site. MLIT

#8198 (146) - Dec 19, 2009 06:42 AM by she who runs with vamps - Random - So twilight! (257) - Needs more twilight.. (1383)

Today my dad went to Phoenix and I told him to say hi to Bella for me. He then asked me what the address is.... MLIT

#27057 (12) - Mar 19, 2010 02:29 PM by unnormal - My Life - So twilight! (508) - Needs more twilight.. (979)

Today I went on MLIT for the firxt time! I am so so happy there are other people like me! It is without a doubt the greatest book and movie saga ever to exist.

#35341 (249) - May 23, 2010 12:56 PM by MrsJacobLautner - Random - So twilight! (457) - Needs more twilight.. (3323)

i went to the new moon premire at midnight when it came out and cried 9 times.I have been spending the last hour on this website. it is 4 47 in the morning on a school day. i havent been to bed. and i REALLY have to pee. MLIT and loving every minute of it.

#3886 (8) - Dec 4, 2009 01:50 AM by Josilyn bella SWAIN - My Life - So twilight! (100) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

Today, we had art at school. i went and sat down next to the only empty space next to a new guy. He had bronze hair and hazel-almost golden eyes . I flipped shit. My best friend then proceeded to turn around from her seat and say 'this reminds me of twilight'. it was awkward. MLIT

#10691 (85) - Jan 3, 2010 02:47 PM by happy - School - So twilight! (1942) - Needs more twilight.. (2267)

Today I decided that I want a boyfriend that is just as obsessed with twilight as I am. Any takers?

#1584 (8) - Dec 1, 2009 04:28 PM by akm - Love - So twilight! (79) - Needs more twilight.. (163)

Today, I bought red coloured eye contacts. MLIT.

#17564 (31) - Jan 14, 2010 08:19 PM by helinam - Random - So twilight! (543) - Needs more twilight.. (421)

When people at my school ask me if I have a boyfriend, they always add "Your Edward Cullen cut-out and posters do not count." Then I say "Then, I'm single, but not available." MLIT (and Edward).

#10125 (43) - Dec 31, 2009 08:36 AM by edward is mine - Random - So twilight! (1146) - Needs more twilight.. (506)

Today, I was watching twilight with my little sister. The theatre was riduciously full, and when it came to the scene where Jacob took his shirt off, the whole theatre was silent, except for the old lady in the front row that screemed DAMMMN! MLIT.

#628 (3) - Dec 1, 2009 07:32 AM by Kayley - Random - So twilight! (64) - Needs more twilight.. (54)

The other day, I met a girl named Rosalie, she's a really pretty blonde except she's a little stuck up. She added me on Facebook and I saw that she has an older brother named Edward. People who go to school with her say its true. I am determined to make her my best friend. MLIT

#15749 (21) - Jan 11, 2010 04:39 PM by Eden: - Friends - So twilight! (1465) - Needs more twilight.. (428)

Today, posters for our prom were put out around my school. The theme? Roses at Twilight. My high school is having a Twilight themed prom. MLIT

#27067 (66) - Mar 19, 2010 04:01 PM by meow - School - So twilight! (836) - Needs more twilight.. (1756)

My sister got a new hamster and I insisted she called it Edward. She did. It likes to bite and its drawn blood out of every member of my family. Oh the Irony !!!

#10684 (70) - Jan 3, 2010 02:26 PM by asknownas - Random - So twilight! (1372) - Needs more twilight.. (871)

Yesterday, during art class, I overheard someone talking about New Moon and contemplating whether they would see it or not. They then stood up and asked the entire class, "Just a quick poll, who here is really likes Twilight?" Everyone pointed at me, and I just smiled. MLIT. ♥

#3285 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 10:35 PM by Fiona_Cullen - School - So twilight! (56) - Needs more twilight.. (22)

Today my wife told me to write this here. I designed and made twilight t-shirts for her and her friend for the new moon premiere. I find the fanpires silly but still, due to my beloved wife.... MLIT

#3657 (1) - Dec 3, 2009 11:54 AM by qubix - Random - So twilight! (59) - Needs more twilight.. (38)

I love twilight so so much. I have such a passion for it, i litteraly cant live with out it. The story is so real, Im inlove., but the way its writen sucks me into it, what ever bella feels, i feel. When she pains i pain, i feel like I am living from it. And dont get me started on rob.Beautiful MLIT

#3909 (14) - Dec 4, 2009 05:59 AM by Bethh - Love - So twilight! (124) - Needs more twilight.. (71)

Today, I sat down in this cute bar and just as I was about to leave a guy who looked excactly like Jasper walked in. Just to be funny I walked up to him and we reanacted the 'Alice-Jasper' meeting scene in Eclipse. My name is Alice, and his name is Jasper. We're going out on Friday. MLIT

#10689 (208) - Jan 3, 2010 02:39 PM by Alice - My Life - So twilight! (6644) - Needs more twilight.. (3456)

Today, My friend and I were in class and someone said "Ughh it's raining" I then quickly replied with" How ya likin the rain girl?". No one but the Twlight lovers got it! MLIT.

#20960 (36) - Jan 26, 2010 08:32 AM by Kenzay. - Friends - So twilight! (1814) - Needs more twilight.. (832)

Today, I was hanging out in the Chalet after snowboarding. I was randomly staring around the room when my eyes fell on the condiments counter. Over top of the napkins, there was a machine dispensing utensils labelled "Forks." I stared at it in wonder with a big smile on my face. MLIT

#20927 (47) - Jan 25, 2010 10:24 PM by inkstainedsoul - My Life - So twilight! (226) - Needs more twilight.. (872)

Well, today someone carved Team Jacob into the plastic on my binder. i did something a little drastic, I tore off the cover of my bider, Burned it when i got home.Then the next day i wrote TEAM EDWARD in Sharpie on the back of her north face! i felt kinda bad later, But she'll never doit again!

#487 (5) - Nov 30, 2009 08:22 PM by Team_edward_you_know - Random - So twilight! (60) - Needs more twilight.. (47)

Today, was the annual Christmas Party..... I chose not to go in favour of seeing New Moon at the cinema for the 7th time. I don't regret it at all! Oh yes, MLIT!

#4705 (5) - Dec 5, 2009 02:19 PM by pinkgrapefruit - Work - So twilight! (157) - Needs more twilight.. (42)

Today in Biology the teacher told us the topic was Mitosis... so he decided it was important that we watched Twilight to properly understand prophase/ metaphase etc :D Needless to say he may be my new favourite teacher now :) MLIT

#27052 (37) - Mar 19, 2010 01:42 PM by caraaaa - School - So twilight! (1226) - Needs more twilight.. (748)

For Halloween I dressed up as Robert Pattinson (I'm a girl). I took over 30 pictures with girls and my nickname is officially Rob at school. MLIT

#8437 (21) - Dec 20, 2009 10:49 AM by edwardismine13 - School - So twilight! (267) - Needs more twilight.. (204)

Today, there was a school dance. I had bought a cute red dress, and red heels. I curled my hair and put some shimmer eyeshadow on. I went to the dance feeling a little self-conscious. Unexpectedly, a big group of girls came up to me. "You look just like Bella!" they screamed. Made. My. Year. MLIT

#17487 (14) - Jan 14, 2010 05:50 PM by Edward1901:J - School - So twilight! (391) - Needs more twilight.. (140)

Today i realised my boyfriends name is edward and my name is isabella. so we went and got mtaching tattoos which read - "And so the Lion fell in love with the lamb". MLIT

#6683 (58) - Dec 11, 2009 04:50 PM by Isabella - Love - So twilight! (1566) - Needs more twilight.. (556)

I have all of the audiobooks on my iPod and my favorite part to listen to right before I go to sleep is in Eclipse when Edward says, "Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams." Oh I will, Edward. I will. MLIT.

#1774 (1) - Dec 1, 2009 06:12 PM by that_twilightgirl - My Life - So twilight! (115) - Needs more twilight.. (41)

Today my Boyfriend of 5 years told me that he was Team Jacob.....I told him I didn't think this was going to work out....MLIT

#474 (10) - Nov 30, 2009 08:11 PM by schroerv - Love - So twilight! (54) - Needs more twilight.. (36)

Today, I was reading My Life Is Average. People have been talking about My life is Twilight but every time I typed it in It says this website does not exist. I finally got on this website. I'm mad at my computer for hiding this from me but now my life is complete. MLIT.

#20836 (23) - Jan 25, 2010 01:27 PM by Anonymous - Random - So twilight! (273) - Needs more twilight.. (335)

I frequently have visions of the future. They're always blank. My friends must be werewolves. MLIT

#6382 (34) - Dec 10, 2009 03:26 PM by mireland - Friends - So twilight! (695) - Needs more twilight.. (222)

I was on my way to work this morning and it's raining where I live. I was waiting for thunder but I guess vampires aren't playing baseball today. : )

#74 (1) - Jun 5, 4569 12:59 PM by BellaMarieCullen - Work - So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (70)

Today, my ex-boyfriend threw my Twilight book across the room. He was still my boyfriend before that. MLIT

#5364 (127) - Dec 7, 2009 02:42 PM by Pickle - Love - So twilight! (2651) - Needs more twilight.. (1354)

My teacher asked who had seen the "Twilight" movie (New Moon) I shot my hand up and did the biggest "GASP" ever and everyone turned to me...I just sank down in my seat. MLIT

#4095 (3) - Dec 4, 2009 03:30 PM by AliceCullen - School - So twilight! (54) - Needs more twilight.. (27)

Today I bought my class ring, the stone is topaz. My mom asked why I chose that color(My birthstone is ruby and my school color is red)I responded “The color is a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone “the sad part is that she knew what I was talking about. MLIT

#429 (4) - Nov 30, 2009 07:17 PM by cescaa - My Life - So twilight! (43) - Needs more twilight.. (23)

There is a girl at my school who is honestly the most beautiful person on Earth. My friends and I have convinced ourselves she is a vegetarian vampire and is waiting to turn us along with her. We don't know her name, so we call her 'Alice.' I'm afraid of losing her. MLIT.

#7734 (27) - Dec 16, 2009 10:37 PM by Zach - School - So twilight! (455) - Needs more twilight.. (252)

Today I was about to get off work. Satellite Heart started playing. I work at a grocery store. How random is that? MLIT.

#2359 (4) - Dec 2, 2009 12:04 AM by o_0cynthiamarie - Work - So twilight! (30) - Needs more twilight.. (104)

Today I was feeling upset about my friends so I decided to watch a movie to take my mind off them when I choose a random movie I picked Twilight, when I saw what movie I picked I felt instantly better. MLIT.

#24867 (26) - Feb 24, 2010 12:22 PM by lapushgirl - Friends - So twilight! (172) - Needs more twilight.. (779)

today I found out my dad loves twilight, only he acts like he hates it around me. Today i stated that edward was a vampire that loves to play "basketball." he corrected me. Before today he always denied knowing anything about twilight saga. Now he gushes with me. I love my dad. MLIT.

#615 (5) - Dec 1, 2009 06:09 AM by OPTIMUS. - My Life - So twilight! (59) - Needs more twilight.. (43)

My life is literally TWILIGHT! My name is Bella Callen (1 letter away!) and sadly instead of having a dreamy boyfriend, I have a twin brother named Edward. He is a track star at our school. If you think that this isnt weird enough we are both SUPER FANS and we are always quoting it.

#289 (23) - Nov 30, 2009 05:38 PM by Bella_J_Callen12 - My Life - So twilight! (1202) - Needs more twilight.. (616)

Today, I began watching the little mermaid, and kept thinking about twilight. Then I noticed, sebastian has a similar accent to laurent, and the statue of eric is basically what stephanie describes edward as. :) I love disney, and OF COURSE twilight :) MLIT

#3840 (5) - Dec 3, 2009 10:33 PM by daiisy43 - My Life - So twilight! (49) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

At school we have had to come up with code names for Twilight and the characters, as my teacher banned it. However, we recently had whole lesson dicussin the pro's and con's of twilight, and who's team we were on! TEAM EDWARD ALL THE WAY!! MLIT.

#2513 (5) - Dec 2, 2009 08:24 AM by FirelightLover. - School - So twilight! (66) - Needs more twilight.. (110)

Today, while playing "Paper Mario" (yes, I am a girl btw) I got to the part where you get Yoshi. The video game then proceeded to ask for name for it. What did I name it? EDWARD

#10566 (30) - Jan 3, 2010 12:39 AM by edwardismylife - Random - So twilight! (172) - Needs more twilight.. (1099)

Today, I realized that at 12:15 at night when I should be studying for my music exam in the morning, or writing my Lit paper, instead I find myself reading this website, as well as looking up tickets for the Twilight Convention, and scanning MLIT

#3228 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 09:19 PM by KatG - Random - So twilight! (39) - Needs more twilight.. (28)

For the New Moon midnight showing I wanted to wear something original so I had a hoodie made in airbrush for me that is the book covers. One book cover on the back ,one on the front and one on each arm.

#412 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 07:03 PM by queen524j - My Life - So twilight! (34) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today I was playing 'Need For Speed:Undercover'. after re-doing the same race 6 times over, I was finally in the lead and close to winning. As I was nearing the finish, I thought I saw a billboard that had Carlisle on it. So I went back to to check if it was him, It wasn't. I Lost. MLIT

#9451 (14) - Dec 26, 2009 05:52 PM by Phebs - Random - So twilight! (675) - Needs more twilight.. (313)

Today me and my sister watched New Moon for the 3rd time in 2 wks. We were in the bathroom after watching NM, & I was fixing to dry my hands off when the hand dryer(manual) flipped itself on. I looked at her and said, "It can read my mind." We both laughed, we could only think of Edward. MLIT.

#3826 (2) - Dec 3, 2009 09:52 PM by teamswitzer - Random - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

Today I found out that some people don't like Twilight. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? MLIT

#562 (24) - Dec 1, 2009 12:02 AM by Bella_Cullen - Random - So twilight! (98) - Needs more twilight.. (154)

Today in history we were talking about the Spanish flu and I immediently thought of Edward :D

#288 (5) - Nov 30, 2009 05:36 PM by vamp_freak01 - School - So twilight! (21) - Needs more twilight.. (50)

Today, I was walking out of my house on my way to school when a dark Volvo with tinted windows (like the new one in New Moon) drives up my street at irregular speed. I dropped my books in a puddle, and I didn't care. MLIT

#499 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 08:41 PM by kaitlin - School - So twilight! (79) - Needs more twilight.. (42)

My senior year in high school i had to write a 10 page paper about a work of literature. My friend emma and i chose the same topic: twilight. we both got A's. MLIT!

#554 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 11:52 PM by becca - School - So twilight! (26) - Needs more twilight.. (51)

The other day in English we had to write an mid semester essay and relate the given quote said by Martin Luther King Jr. to something. I related it back to Twilight. MLIT.

#561 (4) - Dec 1, 2009 12:02 AM by HaleyCullen - School - So twilight! (25) - Needs more twilight.. (73)

Today, I found a certificate from graduation last year, and remembered that I won the Twilight Addict Award from my school. MLIT.

#3037 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 06:36 PM by Cara - School - So twilight! (61) - Needs more twilight.. (22)

This year I convinced my band teacher to have us play bella's lullaby at our concert AND I get to dance to bella's lullaby for my spring recital. MLIT

#27061 (21) - Mar 19, 2010 02:52 PM by unnormal - My Life - So twilight! (559) - Needs more twilight.. (1097)

I live, sleep, and breathe Twilight, so everyday at school I go through all the students and pick out the ones that look like the characters, and so far I've up with 1 Edward, 2 Bella's, 1 Alice, 1 Rosalie, 2 Jacob Black's, 1 Carlisle, and 1 Jessica Stanley. I'm still looking for the others. (: MLIT.

#3234 (5) - Dec 2, 2009 09:22 PM by celine - School - So twilight! (51) - Needs more twilight.. (27)

Today in class, we were listening to Debussy. As soon as "Clair de Lune" came on all I could think of was that scene in Twilight. "What are you listening to?... Clair de Lune is great... I can't dance..." MLIT.

#4116 (7) - Dec 4, 2009 03:58 PM by Shayla - School - So twilight! (61) - Needs more twilight.. (26)

Today I met the most amazing boy of my life. As we were talking he cracked a funny joke and I accidently responded with "Oh Edward!" He looked at me in disbelief and kissed me on the ear while whispering "Oh Bella" into my ear. MLIT

#5900 (37) - Dec 8, 2009 09:52 PM by mishandbabyboo - Love - So twilight! (1910) - Needs more twilight.. (519)

Today i found this website. I am so so happy knowing that i'm not the only one obsessed with twilight beyond the realms of sanity. Thank you fellow twilighters :) MLIT

#35 (11) - Jun 5, 440 12:59 PM by ninja pirate - My Life - So twilight! (157) - Needs more twilight.. (178)

Today, when I was in class, I couldn't stop doodling "Bella Cullen" in cursive all over my paper. MLIT.

#1015 (1) - Dec 1, 2009 01:18 PM by Lauren - School - So twilight! (35) - Needs more twilight.. (91)

I can't stand to read the last chapter of Breaking Dawn because the closer I get to the end the more I start to cry(cuz it's over) but I still read it anyway even though I cry for almost 15 min after I read "The End". I've read it AT LEAST 20 times. MLIT!

#6674 (16) - Dec 11, 2009 04:07 PM by cullengirl91 - Random - So twilight! (142) - Needs more twilight.. (155)

Today, I typed Edward Cullen into mystery google, and I got 'what I should ask for Christmas'. MLIT

#8257 (9) - Dec 19, 2009 01:18 PM by lolli23 - Random - So twilight! (139) - Needs more twilight.. (343)

Today I gave myself a papercut in hopes that Jasper would magically appear. MLIT

#313 (13) - Nov 30, 2009 05:59 PM by wiccan vampire - Random - So twilight! (54) - Needs more twilight.. (57)

Today I watched Twilight and my 4 year old said, "That's Bella and Edward and they live together in Forks!! Oh! There's Jacob! He's a wolf and he likes to chase Bella!" lol I am so proud! MLIT

#7267 (16) - Dec 14, 2009 03:01 PM by LaughingDani - My Life - So twilight! (257) - Needs more twilight.. (169)

When I was at Forks (yes, thankfully I live two hours away), on La Push beach, at twilight (time of day) I found a heart shaped rock. For real. MLIT!!:)

#203 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 03:38 PM by Blondy - Love - So twilight! (118) - Needs more twilight.. (49)

Today I realized that I read Twilight. MLIT

#2554 (6) - Dec 2, 2009 09:14 AM by Beth - My Life - So twilight! (32) - Needs more twilight.. (73)

Today I read a message where a girl was caught kissing a cold window to know what it was like to kiss Edward Cullen. I immediately did the exact same thing upon arriving home. I didn't even feel stupid about it. MLIT.

#3869 (9) - Dec 3, 2009 11:18 PM by xpectopatronum - Love - So twilight! (132) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

I had a dream that I met RPattz at a party and we became instant friends. We were getting cozy when my best friend started flirting with him. I stormed off and bitched my friend out for trying to steal the love of my life. I woke from my dream in a horrible mood, ready to kill my friend. MLIT

#4565 (5) - Dec 5, 2009 11:15 AM by srod - Love - So twilight! (188) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

Today, while talking to my friends about how much i despise Jacob Black, my friend came up to me and hugged me because she was cold. She said, "Wow! You are SO warm! Almost like....Jacob in Twilight!" I immediately jumped on her. No one will ever compare me to a mongrel again. MLIT.

#439 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 07:32 PM by EdwardCullenIsMyLifexoxo - My Life - So twilight! (35) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

My ENTIRE life is devoted to Twilight. My friends shy away from me because they think I'm crazy. They hate it when I talk about Twilight. I've seen both movies MANY MANY MANY times and I'm basically broke because I spend all of my money on merchendise. Above all I live my life as Bella DAILY!

#1167 (9) - Dec 1, 2009 02:31 PM by Twilight - My Life - So twilight! (36) - Needs more twilight.. (70)

Today I realized I have a problem. I cannot get to sleep without reading at least a chapter of one of the five twilight books no matter how tired I am! i also took over another room in my house with twilight posters and pictures because i ran out of space in my bedroom. MLIT!!!

#7280 (31) - Dec 14, 2009 03:49 PM by UnaBrycex - Random - So twilight! (262) - Needs more twilight.. (220)

Today, I caught myself wondering what it would be like to hang out in a house full of vampires. MLIT.

#19 (10) - Jun 5, 8484 12:59 PM by Melissa - My Life - So twilight! (132) - Needs more twilight.. (279)

The other day in Biology, were we working with microscopes. Suddenly feeling very goofy, I pushed the microscope to my lab partner and said, in my best Edward Cullen impression, "Hello, I'm sorry I haven't formally introduced myself. My name is Edward Cullen, and I think that's prophase." MLIT.

#21928 (50) - Feb 1, 2010 04:31 PM by DeanbeatsEddy1212 - School - So twilight! (2501) - Needs more twilight.. (1076)

Today I took my boyfriend to see New Moon for his first time. Towards the beginning when Bella tells Edward that she should be repulsed by dating such an old man, my boyfriend turned to me and said, "That's you!" He is only 3 years older than me. MLIT.

#5273 (1) - Dec 7, 2009 10:12 AM by Team_Bella - My Life - So twilight! (70) - Needs more twilight.. (98)

Today, I was on the computer in the living room wile my mom was in my room cleaning out some old stuff. Then I heard my mom call: "Victoria is under your bed!". I jumped up in horror but then realized I had named my Build-A-Bear Victoria when I was little. MLIT.

#5241 (6) - Dec 7, 2009 07:45 AM by ÁC - My Life - So twilight! (310) - Needs more twilight.. (53)

Today I was depressed because my life isn't really that exciting, fun, or interesting...and then I was talking to one of my guy friends and my day got better. My life is like new moon (depressed Bella hangs out with Jacob and he makes Bella happy)! MLIT

#7265 (13) - Dec 14, 2009 02:59 PM by andiecullen - My Life - So twilight! (92) - Needs more twilight.. (694)

my mom and I were playing Scene It Twilight edition. I'm lending my mom the Twilight books currently so when I tripped on the way back from the kitchen my mom goes "Thanks for knocking over my laptop, Bella."

#9457 (11) - Dec 26, 2009 06:35 PM by nikix20 - My Life - So twilight! (190) - Needs more twilight.. (470)

Today I was babysitting 4 kids, 3 of which are little boys, and they took 10 minutes going through movies trying to find one they can all agree on. What movie do they choose? Yes... Twilight. MLIT

#10216 (25) - Dec 31, 2009 09:33 PM by ElizabethCullen - My Life - So twilight! (318) - Needs more twilight.. (437)

Everytime i feel so upset and really sad after reading all the bad things my friends say about Edward or New Moon, i always come to this site to get myself better. MLIT

#2501 (0) - Dec 2, 2009 08:14 AM by Team_Edward - My Life - So twilight! (40) - Needs more twilight.. (74)

The week before Halloween, there was a 'theme week' at work where we all dressed up in costumes. There was a certain theme missing. I quickly turned to my co-worker and asked, "Why isn't there a vampire day?". She responded, "Everyday is vampire day for you." MLIT

#532 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 11:12 PM by Em - Work - So twilight! (151) - Needs more twilight.. (57)

While sitting in line at a twilight convention and talking to others in line, this girl started staring at me funny: "You're eyes were green yesterday, now they're like golden brown. Do you have contacts?" I instantly responded "It's the.. uh..flourescents."

#478 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 08:14 PM by Kris10 - My Life - So twilight! (128) - Needs more twilight.. (41)

My sister and i skipped school and sat outside our theater for 14.5 hours for the premiere of New Moon. We brought our stand up cardboard Edward, the Twilight Board Game and Rob's Vanity Fair. I guess you could say it was one of the best days of my life.... MLIT.

#514 (0) - Nov 30, 2009 09:23 PM by abigailjune - My Life - So twilight! (60) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

Today I bought an Edward blanket from New Moon, went home to show it to my mom knowing she would probably roll her eyes at me, instead she grabs my blanket, wraps herself around it and asks "Can I have it?". She knew the answer to that one.

#5909 (5) - Dec 8, 2009 10:26 PM by zamora - My Life - So twilight! (122) - Needs more twilight.. (70)

When I went to see New Moon at the midnight showing everyone gave me weird looks because I was the only one wearing a new moon hat, new moon shirt, new moon customized jeans, twilight saga shoes, my bella jacket, my twilight bag with 20 twilight pins, and my edward action figure. MLIT

#480 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 08:15 PM by Bitten-By-Edward - Random - So twilight! (150) - Needs more twilight.. (55)

Today I was blood testing in by bio class at school. I missed it becuase i had a dentist appointment. All my friends were freaking out at me when I got back telling me that I should have more self control like the Cullens. MLIT

#1435 (0) - Dec 1, 2009 03:18 PM by habs_girl - School - So twilight! (71) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today, me and my friend took a short cut through the woods, suddenly, we both turned to each other and said "Say it. Out loud" and then burst out laughing! MLIT!

#27055 (29) - Mar 19, 2010 02:16 PM by TwiHeart - Friends - So twilight! (1670) - Needs more twilight.. (968)

Today I was watching American Dad and Hayley takes her boyfriend on a 'break up hike.' It reminded me of when Edward breaks up with Bella in New Moon. MLIT :)

#3277 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 10:24 PM by geo - Random - So twilight! (27) - Needs more twilight.. (45)

My friend gave me a perfume for my birthday. and it said "TWILIGHT" on it. I started screaming up and down, thinking she bought me the actual trademark perfume, but then I noticed the smaller print "By Sarah Jessica Parker." I stopped screaming and said "Oh." I really hurt her feelings. MLIT.

#1365 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 03:05 PM by Madison - My Life - So twilight! (54) - Needs more twilight.. (70)

Everytime I watch the news and see a weather map of the US, I say to myself, "I wonder how cold it is in Forks". MLIT

#564 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 12:10 AM by ashleyrenee135 - Random - So twilight! (25) - Needs more twilight.. (73)

I was listening to xmas songs and mariah carey's "all I want for xmas is you" came on. It was like she wrote the song about how I feel about edward! All i want for xmas is YOU! bite me! MLIT!!

#2395 (3) - Dec 2, 2009 01:25 AM by sunsetsnhos - My Life - So twilight! (18) - Needs more twilight.. (72)

Tonight I cried at the Italian place because they used garlic in my pasta dish. I know Edward isn't repelled by garlic, but I didn't want to take that risk. MLIT.

#204 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 03:38 PM by bella_in_waiting - My Life - So twilight! (29) - Needs more twilight.. (84)

I've watched Twilight the movie 25 times.. I know it word for word.. I've read all the twilight saga books all together 15 times each. I've seen New Moon 14 times and I know it also word for word.. Sigh.. I am defintely obsessed, have been since 2006. MLIT

#102 (3) - Jun 5, 1255 01:00 PM by Jojo - Love - So twilight! (77) - Needs more twilight.. (55)

Today my boyfriend's mom kept nagging me because I was dragging her son to see new moon and he didn't want to go. I told her he had broken a promise to go see another movie so he had to pay for the consequences. Her response "but you've seen the movie 3 times". She needs to get a life.-MLIT

#2484 (15) - Dec 2, 2009 07:57 AM by xoxo - Random - So twilight! (48) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today, and every time for that matter, when I pass a Burger King, I always consider stealing the life size Edward and Jacob posters that are on the doors. When my boyfriend is with me and we pass a BK, I don't even say anything and he already knows what I'm thinking and tells me no way. haha. MLIT

#4902 (1) - Dec 5, 2009 09:52 PM by LaTuaCantante - Random - So twilight! (180) - Needs more twilight.. (50)

Every time in history class that we talk about anything having to do with a date from 1901 to 1918, I think about how old human Edward would have been then and how ADORABLE he must have been. Seriously, little 5 year old Edward in 1906? SO. CUTE. :) MLIT.

#3316 (7) - Dec 2, 2009 11:34 PM by twifan - Random - So twilight! (75) - Needs more twilight.. (40)

Today, I went to see New Moon. Someone had brought an Edward cutout with them. While waiting in line, I noticed him among other's waiting to go in to the theater and for a split second I freaked out thinking he was real. MLIT.

#16 (5) - Jun 5, 8046 12:59 PM by FrequentlyDazzled5 - My Life - So twilight! (247) - Needs more twilight.. (388)

Today I woke up at 3 in the morning and felt something staring at me, instantly thinking it was Edward Cullen I whipped around, only to see my cat staring at me from the chair. MLIT

#949 (4) - Dec 1, 2009 12:25 PM by Kez - My Life - So twilight! (80) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

Yesterday I figured out how to change my ringtone to audio from New Moon. So now everytime my phone rings I hear Edward reciting Shakespeare from the classroom scene in NM. I love it so much I usually end up missing a ton of phone calls because I refuse to answer until Edward is done speaking. MLIT

#4069 (6) - Dec 4, 2009 02:37 PM by twihard08 - My Life - So twilight! (71) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

I'm in Forks right now. MLIT

#19899 (40) - Jan 20, 2010 06:25 PM by pookieboo - My Life - So twilight! (1639) - Needs more twilight.. (679)

Today, we were on our way to PA, we stopped to sleep somewhere. We got off the exit, and saw a sign that said Carlisle PA. I freaked out, and ran around the hotel pretending to be Bella, and that Alice and Jasper were in the hotel room. The Guy at the front desk played Edward.

#15721 (18) - Jan 11, 2010 04:17 PM by bellagirl17 - Random - So twilight! (636) - Needs more twilight.. (218)

tomorrow im going to the eye doctor for a yearly exam. i am TOTALLY getting gold contacts :))))

#495 (4) - Nov 30, 2009 08:37 PM by vamp_freak01 - My Life - So twilight! (27) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

When I get homework I always say I need to do it on computer. I usually spend that time looking on all twilight fan sites while my mom thinks I'm doing my homework. She always wonders why it takes me until 10 every night to finish my "homework". And before I go to bed I say "Goodnight. Let Edward bite." MLIT

#147 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 01:46 PM by feathers - Random - So twilight! (48) - Needs more twilight.. (40)

So every morning my girlfriend and I reenact both twilight saga movies. It just sucks when we get to the part where Edward (my idol) breaks his phone! But GO BIG OR GO HOME am I right??? Thats what any self respecting vampire would do for the one he loves! Time to buy a new go phone... MLIT!

#3534 (6) - Dec 3, 2009 08:56 AM by twilightguru1910 - My Life - So twilight! (67) - Needs more twilight.. (72)

I became so obsessed with Twilight that my mom decided to read the books and watch Twilight. She became obsessed, too! How do think she let me go to the midnight premiere of New Moon? My mom came to the midnight premiere too and we both wore New Moon tee shirts and we both cried! MLIT

#209 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 03:51 PM by Carlesme - My Life - So twilight! (38) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

Today i was running as fast as i could to the post office, trying to get there before 12 and i totally was thinking if i would meet edward there ;)

#4188 (4) - Dec 4, 2009 05:29 PM by Anonymous - Random - So twilight! (36) - Needs more twilight.. (33)

Today, around twilight I went outside after studying for finals to take the recycling out- and the whole world looked like it had the blue filter used in Twilight coloring everything beautiful shades of blue. MLIT.

#7257 (9) - Dec 14, 2009 02:16 PM by reitroutman - Random - So twilight! (68) - Needs more twilight.. (258)

Today I heard someone mention something about how bad and overrated the whole Twilight Saga is and I couldn't help but have the biggest arguement with this complete stranger telling him just how great Twilight is! MLIT

#490 (13) - Nov 30, 2009 08:31 PM by Melina - My Life - So twilight! (47) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

I finally finished "Breaking Dawn". I thought it would help me move past this and get on with my life. I picked up the book to re-read a couple of pages and am now reading the whole book again! MLIT

#4973 (5) - Dec 6, 2009 08:20 AM by Canders - My Life - So twilight! (65) - Needs more twilight.. (26)

My best friend decided that for Christmas, she's going to give me Edward Cullen. How? She's going to put body glitter on my boyfriend and dress him up like Edward. I think it's the best gift I will ever get in my life. MLIT

#3737 (3) - Dec 3, 2009 01:47 PM by ghouldilox - Friends - So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (49)

Today I was talking with my girlfriend about how I don't see the appeal in the Twilight series, so she took me to see New Moon. Needless to say I picked up every Twilight book the next day at the bookstore! MLIT

#3172 (8) - Dec 2, 2009 08:38 PM by [:marigi:] - My Life - So twilight! (34) - Needs more twilight.. (21)

Today, my roomie and I were watching "World's Strictest Parents." The teenage boy said "My first thought after meeting [her] was 'She's too pale to be from Arizona.'" We looked at each other and immediately started laughing, finishing the boy's words with "Maybe that's why they kicked her out." MLIT

#4895 (4) - Dec 5, 2009 09:22 PM by Sam Black - Random - So twilight! (269) - Needs more twilight.. (60)

Today I was in math and this girl had to explain the pythagorean theorem (or something like that, who really cares about triangles..anyways) so she couldn't explain it and kept on saying "Like..It's like.." so the teacher yelled "JUST SAY IT" and me and my friend screamed "VAMPIRE" at the EXACT SAME TIME. MLIT.

#157 (14) - Nov 30, 2009 02:29 PM by manDa - School - So twilight! (386) - Needs more twilight.. (110)

I saw a beautiful vampire at the soda machine today. Pursed bloodless lips, skin a deathlike pallor, eyes the palest blue. I needed to touch him so I asked him for a quarter and his fingertips were like ice. When I thanked him. he smiled devastatingly and walked away. I can't stop smiling. MLIT

#6267 (20) - Dec 10, 2009 12:53 AM by ImNotThere - Random - So twilight! (286) - Needs more twilight.. (190)

Today I was introduced to a girl who works in Alaska and is named Tanya and all I could think was "OMG, she's a vampire and totally in love with Edward!". MLIT.

#7268 (6) - Dec 14, 2009 03:05 PM by lucy - My Life - So twilight! (143) - Needs more twilight.. (180)

Today I took on a challenge from this website. My friend and I put on Edward and Jacob shirts. We skipped through the central plaza of our city singing "Why Can't We Be Friends" loudly. Several people got youtube videos and a girl even ran through a fountain to tackle my Team Edward friend. MLIT

#5611 (6) - Dec 8, 2009 09:49 AM by Max - Random - So twilight! (246) - Needs more twilight.. (59)

last year some friends and I went to a hockey game. they sang the national anthem. we forgot Twilight was in it. we all busted out in giggly fan-girlish laughter through the rest of the song. MLIT

#2978 (5) - Dec 2, 2009 02:49 PM by LanieHale - My Life - So twilight! (37) - Needs more twilight.. (47)

Today I was talking to my friend during literature class. It was quiet (we were supposed to be silent reading) He said "Humor Me" and automatically I screamed "OHMYGOSH. EDWARD SAYS THAT." The whole class turned and stared. I always blush very deep and everyone whos read the books calls me Bella. MLIT

#974 (9) - Dec 1, 2009 12:39 PM by Katie - My Life - So twilight! (102) - Needs more twilight.. (52)

Today I was wearing my twilight t-shirt at the store. This pale guy with topaz eyes came up to me and said: "Say it. Say it out loud." I squeled, and said "Vampire. How old are you?' he said, "17. I've been 17 for awhile." It was so cool! MLIT.

#232 (18) - Nov 30, 2009 04:23 PM by Scramble - My Life - So twilight! (703) - Needs more twilight.. (208)

Today, my sister decided to watch New Moon (pirated) online and couldn't see the reason why I had to scold her badly for doing so. I then turned up the music from my computer very loud to block out the audio from the movie she's watching so I can enjoy watching New Moon in the cinema tmr

#2429 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 05:11 AM by Lene - My Life - So twilight! (22) - Needs more twilight.. (22)

The other day I read a story of how these girls started laughing during the National Anthem because "Twilight" is mentioned in the song. Well today I was at a basketball game and when I heard "Twilight" during the National Anthem I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting out into laughter... MLIT

#4903 (2) - Dec 5, 2009 09:54 PM by Sydney - Random - So twilight! (161) - Needs more twilight.. (87)

While driving my friend home, we both reached toward the car radio, our hands touched. She moved hers away quickly and without missing a beat she said "You're hand... it's so cold" MLIT

#3304 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 11:02 PM by nonam3fr3ak - Friends - So twilight! (95) - Needs more twilight.. (18)

Two days before New Moon came out, I was determined to re-read it (for the 5th time) before Friday. So what do I do? I call into work "sick"....I said I was really cold and had no color to me and that my face made me look like I was dead. My boss said "reading New Moon again?" .... > MLIT

#2475 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 07:28 AM by Hmmm - My Life - So twilight! (66) - Needs more twilight.. (13)

Today I was in 5th hour when my friend got a papercut. I immediately told her "Where's Jasper!?" like seven people turned to look at me and a few twihards snickered. Made my whole day :). MLIT.

#5373 (4) - Dec 7, 2009 03:16 PM by AlicePixie7 - School - So twilight! (160) - Needs more twilight.. (67)

So im babysitting my 8 year old nephew. He is jumping off the couch and growling. I asked him what he was doing. He said Im being like Jacob. I'm working on my jumping and growling and next im going to work on my abs. Im pretty sure my life is twilight.

#8240 (20) - Dec 19, 2009 11:16 AM by akm - My Life - So twilight! (218) - Needs more twilight.. (334)

My dance professor is tiny, pale, super cute, and has dark, spiky hair. She's also super graceful. If she comes to school in a yellow porsche I'm outing her. MLIT.

#5915 (3) - Dec 8, 2009 10:52 PM by Lo - School - So twilight! (212) - Needs more twilight.. (67)

A few days before the midnight show of New Moon, I was looking through my daily planner and noticed that there was an actual new moon that week. Coincidence? xD

#4092 (3) - Dec 4, 2009 03:25 PM by that_twilightgirl - Random - So twilight! (52) - Needs more twilight.. (27)

Today I went to a sleepover at my Twilight lover BFFLS house and we spent 3 hours searching up and down this website until we can nearly recite half the stories!!! Too bad we have dinner in 10 minutes! :( Still im sure we can try and make something Twilight happen! OLAT (Our Lives Are Twilight)

#8237 (12) - Dec 19, 2009 11:12 AM by xMLITx - Friends - So twilight! (100) - Needs more twilight.. (473)

Today and 'till the end of the week I'm working on a Christmas market. There is jewelry names Volterra, every time I past in front of it, I was stupidly smiling ^^.

#2662 (6) - Dec 2, 2009 10:14 AM by Pauline - Work - So twilight! (35) - Needs more twilight.. (23)

the entire day of the 19th before the premiere, all the songs i heard i related to New Moon. for example, walking out of Applebee's for supper "Bleeding Love" came on. i sang along to all the lyrics, "And in this world of loneliness I see your face..keep bleeding bleeding love" MLIT

#3836 (4) - Dec 3, 2009 10:25 PM by paulspols - Random - So twilight! (39) - Needs more twilight.. (25)

Today, I found out that I'm faling some of my classes and I won't graduate high school this year. I was sad, but then I realized that gives me anohter year to meet Edward at school! MLIT

#509 (7) - Nov 30, 2009 09:09 PM by MeganCullen - School - So twilight! (29) - Needs more twilight.. (98)

So when I was in Vancouver this summer with my family, I made my mom take up the whole entire day driving around trying to find the set of Eclipse. Finally I found Bella's house, and turns out it was all covered up and fenced off! And I NEVER found any other location =( MLIT

#465 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 07:59 PM by Niicole108 - My Life - So twilight! (19) - Needs more twilight.. (40)

Today, my roommate and I decorated the Christmas tree for our apartment. Instead of topping it with an angel or a star, we used an Edward Cullen action figure from Borders. MLIT

#3046 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 06:48 PM by Zedward - Random - So twilight! (78) - Needs more twilight.. (30)

So there is this guy who I go to school with who looks like Edward Cullen! Today, I went into the cafeteria to grab some dinner and hang with my friends. Once I sat down, I noticed Mr. Cullen sitting mysteriously in the corner. What's more is that he was STARING AT ME! I believe My Life is Twilight!

#5967 (13) - Dec 9, 2009 08:33 AM by An Enigma - School - So twilight! (255) - Needs more twilight.. (92)

When my best friend (of three years) and I went to see New Moon together, we were both dedicated and highly devoted Edward Cullen fans. Half way through the movie, my best friend converted to a Jacob fan/lover. We aren't friends anymore. MLIT

#8400 (38) - Dec 20, 2009 05:45 AM by No Exceptions - Friends - So twilight! (195) - Needs more twilight.. (302)

Today me and my boyfriend went running. I pictured the scene in Breaking Dawn when they go on their first hunt together and are running through the forest. MLIT.

#14 (3) - Jun 5, 7896 12:59 PM by o_0cynthiamarie - My Life - So twilight! (242) - Needs more twilight.. (365)

I work at a law firm. Today we received a letter from another law firm thats name contains "Cullen". It was difficult to write a nasty lawyer-y reply when all I could think of was that I was writing to Edward. MLIT.

#8309 (28) - Dec 19, 2009 05:12 PM by C.A.Cullen - Work - So twilight! (260) - Needs more twilight.. (310)

Today, I got a papercut. Just like Bella. Then I said: Ouch, papercut. Just like Bella. Then I looked around to see if any hungry vampires were staring at me.

#5605 (12) - Dec 8, 2009 09:16 AM by Isabelletje - Random - So twilight! (101) - Needs more twilight.. (168)

I stayed home last weekend and read all 2,444 pages of Twilight. To accomplish this I had to go to WalMart at 3am to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. MLIT

#3943 (1) - Dec 4, 2009 09:08 AM by xxxyyxxx - My Life - So twilight! (94) - Needs more twilight.. (43)

My daughter and I have a new code word for confirming her safety when she is out. I text "Team?" and if she texts back with "Jacob" I know she has been abducted or is in serious trouble! I can go to sleep at night when I see "Edward" come back on my cell. Luv u darling. Mum.

#3648 (7) - Dec 3, 2009 11:45 AM by rachelsmom - Random - So twilight! (200) - Needs more twilight.. (38)

It started raining and the thunder started rumbling. What did I do? I said, "It's time." My friends all looked at me and said, "you would say that." MLIT

#558 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 11:57 PM by Bella_Cullen - Random - So twilight! (68) - Needs more twilight.. (62)

Today I left the company Christmas party early to go home and secretly watch Twilight. I listened to the New Moon soundtrack on my way home. I've had "there's a possibility..." stuck in my head for days. MLIT       

#6759 (14) - Dec 12, 2009 12:23 AM by Twilighter30j - My Life - So twilight! (97) - Needs more twilight.. (162)

On the way back from seeing New Moon, I saw a street named 'Carlisle Street'. I started freaking out and the whole way back, I was plastered against the window searching for street names that have to do with the Twilight Saga! I found a bunch and plan on moving there someday! ;) - MLIT!

#193 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 03:28 PM by ForeverTwilight - Random - So twilight! (56) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

I'm so obsessed with Edward being the right choice for Bella that whenever someone talks about how bad Edward sucks and how wonderful Jacob is, I seriously have to take deep breaths and stay calm or I kinda start lecturing on how Edward is better. Well..guess MLIT :P

#426 (0) - Nov 30, 2009 07:14 PM by TwiHardPakiGirl - My Life - So twilight! (36) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

Today I called my aunt about my good grades and so when she answered I said guess what, so she said "You found an alternate universe where Twilight is real and you're a vampire?" I said I wish but no. She was let down. MLIT

#8222 (11) - Dec 19, 2009 10:32 AM by ONLY TEAM SWTZRLND GRL - Random - So twilight! (182) - Needs more twilight.. (239)

I don't get it - why do people come on this site, read the posts and then become members just so they could comment on them and try to make us feel bad about being obsessed with the twilight saga... I thought this site is FOR people who's LIFE IS TWILIGHT. If you don't like it - why read it?..MLIT

#3948 (28) - Dec 4, 2009 09:25 AM by cullengirl - Random - So twilight! (190) - Needs more twilight.. (91)

Today I lol'd when I realized that the people at AverageWizard hate MLIT, probably because MLIT has already become more popular than their site in a matter of days. :D MLIT.

#4694 (41) - Dec 5, 2009 02:04 PM by AverageWizardIsLame - Random - So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (156)

Friday in Bio. my teacher handed us a lab. It was about finding prophase. I started jumping up and down doing litte yips when a girl (who is new) said "OMG! Twilight Girl are you okay?" MLIT

#26415 (40) - Mar 14, 2010 03:05 PM by alicecullen - School - So twilight! (1085) - Needs more twilight.. (757)

Today I had all four books of the twilight saga out at the kitchen table. Both my parents asked me why they were out, and I told them I was using them for evidence in my English paper about how Team Edward is the right team. I really was. MLIT

#5861 (12) - Dec 8, 2009 07:34 PM by scullen - My Life - So twilight! (168) - Needs more twilight.. (67)

I was so upset about this 4chan stuff that I ran to my collection of twilight memorabilia and grabbed one of my books. I went to my bed to lay down and read it and it was the Breaking Dawn book and it opened right up to where Bella awakens as a vampire. It was a sign to persevere!

#795 (4) - Dec 1, 2009 10:45 AM by Anonymous - My Life - So twilight! (59) - Needs more twilight.. (121)

Today my sister sent me a link to this website. I have spent the past 2-3 hours on it under my covers without detection (it's 11:30 pm). I have been sweating heavily (there is like 4-6 blankets on my bed at the moment) and so I said "Where the heck is Edward when you need him?!" MLIT

#544 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 11:36 PM by peace-love-twilight - My Life - So twilight! (37) - Needs more twilight.. (51)

Today, I skipped class to go to Barnes & Noble. I have done this everyday since NM, and I go straight to the magazine section. I now have over 15 magazines with NM on the cover in my room. I am in grad school and should be studying for 5 finals. But MLIT! Back to reading eclipse and not studying.

#3138 (8) - Dec 2, 2009 07:51 PM by eclipseismyfav - My Life - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (43)

Today, I opened my Xmas presents and received the New Moon soundtrack, the Twilight Saga journals tin, a Team Edward t-shirt and an Edward bookmark. I'll be 24 years old in 3 days but that doesn't matter because MLIT!!!! :)

#9418 (11) - Dec 26, 2009 02:06 PM by edwardlover - Random - So twilight! (370) - Needs more twilight.. (240)

Last night I had a dream I was Renesme. Jacob loved me and followed me around. I was sad when I woke up.

#19914 (16) - Jan 20, 2010 06:55 PM by L - My Life - So twilight! (198) - Needs more twilight.. (355)

Today I went to school and spent my whole second hour talking about Edward's glistening body. Today two boys got in a fight over Team Edward/Team Jacob. They even have the thermoses from BK. One boy bit the other. MLIT!

#2446 (2) - Dec 2, 2009 06:31 AM by jacoblover27 - Love - So twilight! (82) - Needs more twilight.. (14)

I love Twilight SOOOO much I can't wait until I turn 18! Then I can FINALLY get an Edward tattoo with the word obsession written under it. My life really will be Twilight!

#1529 (6) - Dec 1, 2009 04:00 PM by OMG! - My Life - So twilight! (52) - Needs more twilight.. (91)

While waiting in line to see New Moon this team edward chick was talking smack about Jacob so I told her I was going to give her a paper cut right in front of Jasper. MLIT.

#234 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 04:33 PM by team_sethclearwater - My Life - So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (29)

Today I found out that the boy who sits at the front of my school bus is called Edward. As soon as i found out i pegged it down the moving bus to sit in the empty seat next to him. He's now my best friend :)

#3683 (2) - Dec 3, 2009 12:40 PM by Anonymous - Random - So twilight! (93) - Needs more twilight.. (37)

While backing my car out a parking spot some dude on a motorcycle cut me off. I hit the breaks and turned around to glare/growl. My sorority house mom who was in the passenger seat started laughing. . It's now known as my T-stare or "Twilght" stare to everyone. MLIT

#2364 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 12:14 AM by teamjazz - My Life - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (97)

I love the songs on the New moon sountrack so I sing them in the shower (loud) my bro hates twilight, and tells me to shut up, but when I went to go plug in my ipod, his was plugged in and what was # 1 on his top 10? New Moon The meadow.. Should I be happy that he likes it? Or scared? MLIT

#5661 (3) - Dec 8, 2009 12:12 PM by EdwardandJacob - My Life - So twilight! (103) - Needs more twilight.. (140)

Today I filled my bath with cold water and added ice cubes to see what it was like to be a vampire. Being a vampire is cold. MLIT.

#307 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 05:55 PM by Twilight Luvva! - My Life - So twilight! (55) - Needs more twilight.. (48)

Today I put up my New Moon wall poster on my door and as I walked over to my dad after taking a photo of me next to it he asked me in a very worried voice. "It's even isnt it? And it's not tilted right?" MLIT

#9408 (1) - Dec 26, 2009 11:58 AM by xMLITx - My Life - So twilight! (80) - Needs more twilight.. (291)

My little bro is only 7 and he has no idea who Edward is, but bcause i have kept telling him so many things about how Edward awesome, so last nite, my bro even had a dream that i was dating with Edward :D MLIT

#3471 (2) - Dec 3, 2009 07:16 AM by Team_Edward - My Life - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (45)

I named my new white car Edward. Whenever I speed or take a dangerous turn, I pretend edward says "don't do anything stupid or reckless." MLIT

#4442 (6) - Dec 4, 2009 11:26 PM by waffle - Love - So twilight! (129) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

Today I woke up, and I saw Edward and Bella in front of my bed... A really huge poster of them =P nice gift from parents ;). MLIT

#46 (3) - Jun 5, 2356 12:59 PM by vampiregirl - My Life - So twilight! (77) - Needs more twilight.. (124)

Today, while reading MLIT's from this site I was listening to my ipod. The songs were on shuffle. While reading a post about Edward, "Never Think" by Robert Pattinson comes on. It was fate, I swear! MLIT

#3942 (0) - Dec 4, 2009 08:59 AM by WolfGirl - Random - So twilight! (89) - Needs more twilight.. (46)

Today was reading the stories on this sight with the TV on , when suddenly i hear Claire De Lune blasting form my TV immidietly i turn around half expecting to see Edward & Bella "dancing". It was just a car commercial though... it wasn't even a volvo but it was silver. LOL MLIT!!!

#3819 (2) - Dec 3, 2009 09:19 PM by bella_wanna_be - Random - So twilight! (41) - Needs more twilight.. (28)

Today I found out that my best friend is moving to Washington. I'm going to see if I can move too, so I can be close to FORKS! MLIT!

#315 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 06:00 PM by Eric - Friends - So twilight! (24) - Needs more twilight.. (39)

So one night I was driving on my way to someones house for a hangout, I've never been there before so every time I passed a road sign I slowed down. Well there was this long dark driveway and don't you know as I slowed down and passed the sign it was none other than Cullen Drive!

#2356 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 11:55 PM by cullencutie - Random - So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (59)

Today my friend's dad was telling a story to us. He said that he and his son went to Washington for a sports trip. He had to stay in a small town in the middle of nowhere. He said it was called Port Angeles. My friend and I screamed "Twilight." He asked what we were talking about, we laughed. MLIT

#4217 (2) - Dec 4, 2009 06:07 PM by TeamRathbone - My Life - So twilight! (91) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

Today, My husband was complaining of dry skin so I used my Olay moisturizing lotion on him and made him stand in the middle of our bedroom because it has glitter in it... he glitters like Edward, and looks like a cross between Edward and Jasper

#5268 (3) - Dec 7, 2009 10:07 AM by JasperLover - Love - So twilight! (196) - Needs more twilight.. (39)

Today, I was in school, and my friend who gets hyper when drinking soda started spazzing out. My other friend looked at me and said, "What should we do?". My response? "I think she's having hysterics, maybe you should slap her" MLIT

#918 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 12:12 PM by Anonymous - School - So twilight! (66) - Needs more twilight.. (62)

Today, I realised that I am probably one of the only people that has an authentic, acutal, original copy of the Twilight script. Does my Uncle have the best job ever? Yes. He did all the art work for Twilight in the movie. He painted Bella's house, and worked on the sets. MLIextreamelyT

#2721 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 11:07 AM by madisun - My Life - So twilight! (112) - Needs more twilight.. (33)

Today in biology we were looking at the phases of cell division with whitefish blastula and onion root tip cells. When I identified a phase, I said, "It's anaphase" and pushed the microscope over with the back of my hand. No one got it. MLIT.

#3041 (0) - Dec 2, 2009 06:42 PM by Kdro - School - So twilight! (79) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

Today, I realized that I've stopped wearing bronzer and covering up the darkness under my eyes when I'm deprived sleep. I'm subconsciously aware that I am trying to look hungry- vampiresque! MLIT.

#19901 (13) - Jan 20, 2010 06:33 PM by taracullen - My Life - So twilight! (330) - Needs more twilight.. (170)

Today, my cousin said she had a bruise and I amidiatly thought of Isle Esme. I also noticed that i have a dream catcher and totaly freaked out. And about a week ago I noticed that in my biology class we are studing the mitosis of flatworms and in English we are doing Romeo and Juliette!! MLIT!

#129 (11) - Nov 30, 2009 12:42 PM by Minsy - Random - So twilight! (49) - Needs more twilight.. (66)

I had been re-reading New Moon the week the movie was being released, and accidently left it on a friends boat after a day on the river, I tried to hide my distress, but he knew I was upset and offered to read a couple of pages a night to me, till the movie came out.

#2418 (0) - Dec 2, 2009 03:56 AM by homesweet_forks - My Life - So twilight! (34) - Needs more twilight.. (21)

Today, My mom and I were driving on the highway, when we passed a sign that said Hearts On Fire. My mom immediately repeats it, and I tell her, mom you are saying it all wrong. I proceed to start singing Eyes On Fire from Twilight, swapping Eyes for Hearts. MLIT.

#8220 (2) - Dec 19, 2009 10:10 AM by DazzledByEdward - My Life - So twilight! (72) - Needs more twilight.. (287)

I talk about twilight so much at home my parents actually know the characters names and what the actors look like. My dad actually wanted to see New Moon with me! MLIT!

#7211 (8) - Dec 14, 2009 11:42 AM by xMLITx - Random - So twilight! (111) - Needs more twilight.. (161)

It's midnight, and I've spent probably an hour on this site reading people's stories. My window is half opened because it's hot, and three minutes ago, I heard the window slightly crack like someone was opening it from outside. I'd like to believe it wasn't just the wind :'D MLIT

#3769 (3) - Dec 3, 2009 02:47 PM by Grace - My Life - So twilight! (82) - Needs more twilight.. (41)

i past a street sign yesterday named twilight road...i stopped got out of the car and took a picture on my phone.mlit

#4047 (4) - Dec 4, 2009 01:23 PM by teamjacob - Random - So twilight! (49) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

My friends asked me what I wanted for christmas, before I could say anything they stopped me and said "besides Edward"

#423 (1) - Nov 30, 2009 07:11 PM by AliceCullen - Random - So twilight! (60) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

I was born in Washington, and recently my mother informed me that my grandparents and three of my uncles used to live in Forks. Apparently we used to go there once a month. I'm so sad that I don't remember. MLIT

#1657 (1) - Dec 1, 2009 05:03 PM by ellabella - My Life - So twilight! (81) - Needs more twilight.. (39)

Today there was a pep-rally in my school and the theme was hawai. So the school invited this "tribe" (pro. dancers from hawai) to do some indian dance. All I could think about was the quileutes :) So my friend asks me "There from where?" And i said " La push baby, La push..." XD MLIT 4Ever!!!

#4038 (6) - Dec 4, 2009 01:03 PM by ren1918 - My Life - So twilight! (153) - Needs more twilight.. (123)

So im 25 yrs old I have been a twiliht fan since 2 months before the 1st movie came out I read the boks and loved them, Ive allwayz loved the whole vampire thing so Twilight was just my thing, so in august I got the cullen crest on my right arm Ilove it and now I feel im a cullen...

#4739 (7) - Dec 5, 2009 03:28 PM by Adrian Cullen - My Life - So twilight! (165) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

Every time I watch the weather report now (I live in western WA) I always notice they've added Forks to the map and then continue to wonder how many Twihards have moved here from another state just so they don't have to pretend they're in Forks 'cause the overcast skies and the rain are real. MLIT

#4201 (4) - Dec 4, 2009 05:51 PM by anonymous - Random - So twilight! (70) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

today as I was going through my notebooks studying for my finals I noticed that in November all that I doodled in my notebooks was New Moon countdowns. MLIT.

#3673 (2) - Dec 3, 2009 12:27 PM by Jessica - School - So twilight! (60) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

in history class we were talking about WWI. after that subject we went on to the twenties. guess what subject came up? the spanish influenza! right away i was like EDWARD ALMOST DIED FROM THE SPANISH FLU! i got really depressed for the rest of the day... and then i went home and watched twilight.

#3427 (3) - Dec 3, 2009 05:05 AM by lovetwilightttt - Random - So twilight! (55) - Needs more twilight.. (38)

Last year, I went to see a movie with my friends. During the previews I saw the Summit production company logo, and I new the Twilight preview was about to show. My friends hadn't read twilight (yet) and didn't understand why I was gasping and flailing my hands at the sight of the logo. MLIT

#3256 (1) - Dec 2, 2009 09:48 PM by thefirsttime - Random - So twilight! (41) - Needs more twilight.. (28)

I Read Twilight and Midnight sun together. I started with the first sight chapter with Bella's POV and then with the Edward's POV and the same with the following chapters. Highly recommended.. I loved it.

#416 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 07:08 PM by Camelia - My Life - So twilight! (40) - Needs more twilight.. (26)

Today I woke up exhausted after walking 2 miles late at night just to see New Moon for the 4th time. I don't have a car but was embarrassed to call friends as I would have to admit I've seen it more than the two times they know about. College Biology quiz this morning - thinking of Edward! MLIT

#3987 (5) - Dec 4, 2009 11:10 AM by New Moon Sneak - My Life - So twilight! (134) - Needs more twilight.. (32)

Today, I realized I'm so obssesed with The Twilight Saga, i have a Robert Pattinson poster above my bed, an Edward Cullen poster on my mirror and my best friend who is equally obssesed with the saga gave me The Twilight Saga Journals tin. : ) I am TOTALLY in LOVE with Edward Cullen. MLIT

#8412 (22) - Dec 20, 2009 06:53 AM by gabicullen1494 - My Life - So twilight! (91) - Needs more twilight.. (346)

My husband refuses to read the books but has seen both movies with me. He has a slight interest in Twilight, because I have told him everything there is to tell about it. We have the soundtracks and yesterday I heard him singing "Meet me on the Equinox" in the shower! YES! MLIT

#5377 (3) - Dec 7, 2009 03:33 PM by LaughingDani - Random - So twilight! (199) - Needs more twilight.. (71)

Today i realised that i put way to much strawberry topping on my ice cream so i feel like a vampire, i don't even like strawberry topping. MLIT

#586 (4) - Dec 1, 2009 01:12 AM by Twilightgadaisukidesu! - Random - So twilight! (20) - Needs more twilight.. (39)

I went to see New Moon on Friday Nov. 20 at 8:20 a.m., the next morning I had an exam that determined if I received my Master's degree...clearly Edward was more important than studying for a test the determined my future! MLIT

#368 (6) - Nov 30, 2009 06:26 PM by Ktmo21 - Random - So twilight! (46) - Needs more twilight.. (38)

A few years ago, when Twilight was not yet a hit, I went to my local bookstore and stood infront of the small twilight display. Whenever someone passed by, I recommended the book to them and even got a few takers! I stood there for over an hour, refusing to leave untill my friend dragged me out. MLIT

#445 (2) - Nov 30, 2009 07:41 PM by Ashvovoom - My Life - So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (31)

Today I made Pizza with my roommate. While I put cheese on the dough, she turned around and said to me: "Edible Art, Bella?!" ... I just got to smile!!!

#2979 (0) - Dec 2, 2009 02:49 PM by KarinaCullen - Friends - So twilight! (65) - Needs more twilight.. (27)

I'm probably the only person who owns all the Bella jewelry, the moonstone ring, turquoise bracelet, St. jude bracelet, and the beaded bracelet. But I'm most obsessed with the moonstone ring I had it made for me. You can see that ring in the first scene of New Moon.

#294 (3) - Nov 30, 2009 05:45 PM by moonless_knight - My Life - So twilight! (27) - Needs more twilight.. (58)

At school my friends and I make fun of all the twilighters, frequently go off on rants about how stupid and awful the series is, and heckle everyone who goes to see it. I have watched New Moon online every night since the day it came out. My secret life is twilight.

#6171 (10) - Dec 9, 2009 07:25 PM by Kaya - My Life - So twilight! (177) - Needs more twilight.. (186)

Today, I went to a restaurant that looked exactly like the one Edward and Bella went to in Port Angeles, so I ordered a coke and ravioli. I hate ravioli but the scene wouldn't have been complete without it :) MLIT.

#6398 (10) - Dec 10, 2009 04:05 PM by Anonymous - Random - So twilight! (318) - Needs more twilight.. (100)

Since finishing my University degree in Literature this past summer, i have only read Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse/Breaking Dawn/Midnight Sun. (x4) Today, i realise that i have enjoyed this series more than any of the novels i spent three years and £10,000 to study at University. MLIT!

#595 (2) - Dec 1, 2009 02:36 AM by pinkgrapefruit - My Life - So twilight! (32) - Needs more twilight.. (45)

Today I opened my planner to November and saw a countdown to the New Moon, then started to make one for Eclipse. MLIT

#3832 (1) - Dec 3, 2009 10:01 PM by jacobluvr16 - My Life - So twilight! (37) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

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