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Hate Twilight, love laughing on here. Huge fan of hockey. My Life is... the NHL!
I have a Cullen Crest ring from Hot Topic and when I wear it, I feel like I'm part of the Cullen familly. *blushes* -MLIT
Today, I noticed that the keys on the computer that spell EDWARD are really close together, and the keys that say BELLA are really far apart. MLIT
Today, my mom told me I was so obsessed with Twilight, shes sending me to a pyschiatrist, she thinks Edwards not real. How silly of her. MLIT.
Today I went home after class feeling lonely. I picked up my copy of Twilight and flipped to the part where Bella first meets Edward. I proceeded to cry and kiss the cardboard cutout of Edward that I have over and over. He always finds a way to make me feel better! MLIT!!!
OMG today was amazing I've have now infected 73 people with the twilight love venom, almost everyone I know is a fan now and all because of me it made my day. I've also seen Twilight: New Moon 7 times in the past three days and wont ever wash the top that Peter Fancinelli huged me in. love x
Today I gave a report in History on why Twilight is the best book ever. My teacher pulled me aside after and told me I had failed because I didn't do anything that we required. I don't really care, because I got to talk about Twilight for my whole presentation. MLIT!!!!
Today I tried to get on MLIA, but the site wouldn't work so I tried MLIT and it worked. Touche. MLIT