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My Nephew was born in December his name is Cullen Jacob. MLIT


So twilight! (491) - Needs more twilight.. (227)

Jan 25, 2010 01:18 PM - Friends - by Curecourt

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Today my friend and I were talking about something random, when I said "you gotta give me some answers." He responded with, "yes, no, to get to the other side, 1.77245...." I think I'm in love.... MLIT


So twilight! (1462) - Needs more twilight.. (519)

Jan 21, 2010 01:01 AM - Friends - by FF8Freak

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Today my friends and I were discussing abortion, the pros and cons. Like how in a circumstance when the baby is causing harm to the mother, it's necesary. My friend then replied "Like Bella in Breaking Dawn..." Frequent Twilight references states that MLIT


So twilight! (187) - Needs more twilight.. (342)

Jan 20, 2010 06:56 PM - Friends - by jenjamen

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Today it was my Best friends birthday. I called her and said how old are you,And she said 23. And then i said how long have you been 17? And she hung up on me. MLIT


So twilight! (574) - Needs more twilight.. (248)

Jan 20, 2010 06:32 PM - Friends - by Jennybby1234

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My friend Kendall and I fight over who gets Edward, so I have him Monday and Weekends, and she has him Tuesday through Friday, but our other friend Tina gets no days what soever. Win. MLIT.


So twilight! (119) - Needs more twilight.. (433)

Jan 20, 2010 04:44 PM - Friends - by sparklevamp

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I am a die-hard Edward fan, and honestly I can't see why people like Jacob. My friend told me today that every time the word "Jacob" is said I make a face that isn't short of disgust. I guess it has just turned habitual :) Edward, I love you not a stupid dog!


So twilight! (293) - Needs more twilight.. (316)

Jan 20, 2010 02:48 PM - Friends - by Kelccccie

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Today I was at Starbucks with a friend when I noticed one of the snacks available said 'sparkle donut'. I bought it because it made me feel like I was eating a Cullen dessert. MLIT.


So twilight! (228) - Needs more twilight.. (137)

Jan 20, 2010 02:34 PM - Friends - by JENJEN

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Today, my friend Catie mentioned that she would really like a story published on MLIT. So Catie, here's to your Twilight obbession and keep posing with my apples at lunch (like the Twilight cover). Please publish this, all you Twilight lovers! Do it for Edward!


So twilight! (149) - Needs more twilight.. (267)

Jan 20, 2010 12:23 PM - Friends - by Catiesbff

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Today was my best friend's birthday. I called her at 7 in the morning and said "How old are you?" She said, "Seventeen." I then asked "How long have you been seventeen?" She then said "Seven hours." Best birthday wake up call ever. MLIT


So twilight! (1240) - Needs more twilight.. (598)

Jan 14, 2010 09:31 PM - Friends - by screwnessiejacobsmine

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Today my friend asked me who I'd rather have as a boyfriend, Jacob or Edward. I replied, "well, Jacob is pretty hot...." and as my gay best friend, who isn't perverted at all, was reading one of the books in the series he smirked and muttered, "But Edward's pretty hard." I couldn't but stare. MLIT


So twilight! (549) - Needs more twilight.. (236)

Jan 14, 2010 08:39 PM - Friends - by Lyssteria

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