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Today I had a serious decision to make. My friends and I were playing Shun, Shag, or Marry (where you name three ppl and have to shag one, shun one, and marry one of them) and my friend named Rob Pattinson, Kellan Lutz, and Taylor Lautner. I'm almost in tears trying to decide. MLIT


So twilight! (100) - Needs more twilight.. (35)

Dec 4, 2009 10:17 AM - Friends - by NDtwihard

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I took a few pictures with my friends, after getting them developed, i realized i had red eye in almost all of them... my first thought was " I'M A NEW BORN!" MLIT


So twilight! (99) - Needs more twilight.. (34)

Dec 4, 2009 08:49 AM - Friends - by pope

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Today, at school, me and my friend got sprinkled with sliver glitter. We spent the whole lunch taking pictures pretending it be Bella. MLIT


So twilight! (67) - Needs more twilight.. (18)

Dec 4, 2009 07:13 AM - Friends - by Sparkles.

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Today, I was in my martial arts class. My instructor told us to motivate our partners to work harder. My partner looked at me and said "I'll be the Wolf Pack and you be the Cullens." It worked. MLIT


So twilight! (101) - Needs more twilight.. (19)

Dec 4, 2009 06:09 AM - Friends - by silverrose43

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We were in another city for a contest when me and my schoolmates couldn't stop ourselves from watching New Moon again. After we saw it, the only GUY in the group (I have no idea if he's straight or not) said "My favorite line was when Bella said 'You can't hurt each other without hurting me'." 0_o?


So twilight! (50) - Needs more twilight.. (25)

Dec 4, 2009 02:46 AM - Friends - by Jamie

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Today me and friend decided that instead of saying "lets go hang out", we will now say "Lets go sparkling!". We are three mostly heterosexual manly men. MLIT


So twilight! (101) - Needs more twilight.. (20)

Dec 3, 2009 10:04 PM - Friends - by Sparkler

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Today, I forwarded the picture that is viral at my school of Taylor Lautner's abs to my best friend that lives across the county. She's forwarding the picture to all her friends... TEAM JACOB! MLIT


So twilight! (44) - Needs more twilight.. (24)

Dec 3, 2009 09:29 PM - Friends - by kali

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My best friend decided that for Christmas, she's going to give me Edward Cullen. How? She's going to put body glitter on my boyfriend and dress him up like Edward. I think it's the best gift I will ever get in my life. MLIT


So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (49)

Dec 3, 2009 01:47 PM - Friends - by ghouldilox

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Today me and a friend were walking in a WalMart parking lot and a car was heading towards us and I was the only one who saw. Instead of saying something I first had the thought "Just see if Edward saves her" Sadly the car stopped before I could see. I'm such a good friend. MLIT.


So twilight! (94) - Needs more twilight.. (34)

Dec 3, 2009 12:16 PM - Friends - by Hannerjane

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Today, I got a text from the only one of my friends from high school who had never read the books. She finally gave in and read them because I'd been so obsessed high school. I now have too many Twilight converts to count. MLIT.


So twilight! (29) - Needs more twilight.. (43)

Dec 3, 2009 10:42 AM - Friends - by maeryalice

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