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Today my friend took a bite of an orange. She flinched and said "whoa, it's strong.... but not as strong as Edward," and walked away dramatically. MLIT


So twilight! (403) - Needs more twilight.. (1108)

Mar 14, 2010 03:03 PM - Friends - by Bella

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Today, I punched my guy friend in the face. He laughed. I did not break my hand, but it really hurt. I brightened up a little thinking of Twilight. MLIT


So twilight! (512) - Needs more twilight.. (826)

Mar 14, 2010 01:35 PM - Friends - by Lolo

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Today I was feeling upset about my friends so I decided to watch a movie to take my mind off them when I choose a random movie I picked Twilight, when I saw what movie I picked I felt instantly better. MLIT.


So twilight! (172) - Needs more twilight.. (779)

Feb 24, 2010 12:22 PM - Friends - by lapushgirl

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Today I realized something amazing. My brother's friend is tall, Native American, and his name is Jacob. I instantly fell in love with him. MLIT


So twilight! (3034) - Needs more twilight.. (1736)

Feb 1, 2010 07:51 PM - Friends - by Anonymous

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Today, my roommate and I were discussing why Edward Cullen should come through our window and change us into vampires. Needless to say, there is more reasons why he should. MLIT!


So twilight! (339) - Needs more twilight.. (1625)

Feb 1, 2010 07:03 PM - Friends - by alicebcullen17

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Today I announced to my friend I wasn't going to be vegetarian anymore after a month of not eating any meat. She responded by saying "Good. Those golden eyes were getting annoying, red is the way to go." MLIT.


So twilight! (2360) - Needs more twilight.. (1051)

Feb 1, 2010 06:57 PM - Friends - by twilightobsession

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Today in biology, my friends and I were on mystery google - we decided to type in one of our names into it and it took us to the wikipedia page for "Edward Cullen"! He then proceeded to make sure that we didn't tell everyone that he was secretly a vampire, he's my new best friend! MLIT


So twilight! (361) - Needs more twilight.. (941)

Jan 26, 2010 09:56 AM - Friends - by amber345

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Today, My friend and I were in class and someone said "Ughh it's raining" I then quickly replied with" How ya likin the rain girl?". No one but the Twlight lovers got it! MLIT.


So twilight! (1814) - Needs more twilight.. (832)

Jan 26, 2010 08:32 AM - Friends - by Kenzay.

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Not long ago, my friend went through her entire closet. It was the week that New Moon had come out. At school, for each day of the week, she tried to replicate the same outfits worn by Bella, Rosalie and Alice from the Twilight movie. It was quite fun, even though not many people noticed. MLIT


So twilight! (685) - Needs more twilight.. (384)

Jan 26, 2010 12:03 AM - Friends - by Ello

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Today one of my favorite old teachers confessed that she used to purposely give her students busy work so she could read twilight under her desk. MLIT


So twilight! (886) - Needs more twilight.. (283)

Jan 25, 2010 09:13 PM - Friends - by Jo

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