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  • Name : Alex
  • City/Country : United States
  • Birthday :
  • Gender : Female
  • Profile Views : 177
  • Number of comments : 2
  • Number of stories : 0

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Today, this guy was asking me for relationship advice. Friends and I were telling him what to do, and he just couldn't understand. Finally I said, "YOU ARE HER JACOB" and he gave me this horrified look and I knew he understood, Twilight is now my inspiration for relationship advice. MLIT

#20974 (100) - Jan 26, 2010 11:45 AM by Jake101 - Love - So twilight! (2626) - Needs more twilight.. (1267)

Today my boyfriend touched my face, and for the fisrt time i didn't flinch at how cold his hands were. He looked at me and said............"your pretending i'm Edward aren't you?" I blushed as we both knew it was true. I can offically say MLIT!!!!

#20958 (221) - Jan 26, 2010 07:56 AM by lisacullen - Love - So twilight! (8777) - Needs more twilight.. (6120)

Today I realized something amazing. My brother's friend is tall, Native American, and his name is Jacob. I instantly fell in love with him. MLIT

#21956 (95) - Feb 1, 2010 07:51 PM by Anonymous - Friends - So twilight! (3024) - Needs more twilight.. (1734)

Today I woke up and I was really warm, and when my mom told me that we had no pop tarts left, my hands started to shake. My name is Leah. MLIT.

#21969 (113) - Feb 2, 2010 04:28 AM by cullen123 - My Life - So twilight! (1784) - Needs more twilight.. (3706)

Today, My friend and I were in class and someone said "Ughh it's raining" I then quickly replied with" How ya likin the rain girl?". No one but the Twlight lovers got it! MLIT.

#20960 (36) - Jan 26, 2010 08:32 AM by Kenzay. - Friends - So twilight! (1811) - Needs more twilight.. (831)

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