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  • Name : Christina
  • City/Country : San Francisco, United States
  • Birthday : Sep 29, 1993
  • Gender : Female
  • Profile Views : 215
  • Number of comments : 10
  • Number of stories : 3

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I don't hate Twilight or its fans, except for the stupid ones that take their obsessions overboard (like the ones posting stories on this site). I think this site's stories are retarded. The posters must be ugly social rejects.


Today, posters for our prom were put out around my school. The theme? Roses at Twilight. My high school is having a Twilight themed prom. MLIT

#27067 (65) - Mar 19, 2010 04:01 PM by meow - School - So twilight! (802) - Needs more twilight.. (1691)

Today, I was half naked and getting dressed when my Edward cutout (which I bought on one of my frequent trips to Forks) fell on top of me. Instead of pushing it off, I exclaimed, "Oh Edward! Not this early!" Then my mother walked in and took him out of my room saying, "its for my own good." MLIT

#421 (157) - Nov 30, 2009 07:10 PM by mrs. pattinson - Random - So twilight! (5332) - Needs more twilight.. (1306)

Today, my girlfriend said I should be more like Edward. So I bought some white makeup and plan to watch her sleep, because that is her favorite part of the series. MLIT

#15759 (113) - Jan 11, 2010 04:51 PM by NewEdward - Love - So twilight! (3330) - Needs more twilight.. (984)

A month ago, my sister started dating someone who looks a lot like Edward Cullen. For the past month, I've been subtly flirting and "accidentally" pouring sparkles on him. Today, my sister found out, and she told me to stay away from her boyfriend. Nothing can stop the path of true love. MLIT

#19871 (70) - Jan 20, 2010 04:36 PM by inlurv - Love - So twilight! (578) - Needs more twilight.. (284)

Today, my boyfriend bit me. I did not turn into a vampire, so I dumped him. MLIT

#15740 (191) - Jan 11, 2010 04:31 PM by annon - Love - So twilight! (1397) - Needs more twilight.. (2571)

Today, I realised that on bad days I come onto this website to cheer myself up and to make me feel happy. Not because I am in love with Edward and Jacob, or wish I was Bella but because it makes me glad to think there are SADDER people in the world. MLINT.

#20844 (635) - Jan 25, 2010 02:05 PM by Whatever - Random - So twilight! (33745) - Needs more twilight.. (1872)

Today I woke up from a nap on my girlfriends couch only to realize that she had covered me in Twilight body glitter while I was asleep. FML+MLIT

#6 (167) - May 24, 3226 12:59 PM by Andrew - My Life - So twilight! (11464) - Needs more twilight.. (2179)

Today in gym class we were playing sports trivia. My teacher asked me what major event happened in 1918, of course I replied "ummmm... Edward became a vampire!" Apparently that wasn't the right answer. 15 dirty looks later, it was still worth it! MLIT

#20872 (30) - Jan 25, 2010 04:21 PM by mylifeisjacob - School - So twilight! (604) - Needs more twilight.. (254)

Today I went home after class feeling lonely. I picked up my copy of Twilight and flipped to the part where Bella first meets Edward. I proceeded to cry and kiss the cardboard cutout of Edward that I have over and over. He always finds a way to make me feel better! MLIT!!!

#17548 (69) - Jan 14, 2010 07:50 PM by EdwardLuver - Love - So twilight! (233) - Needs more twilight.. (752)

Today I made out with my large sybarian husky because he reminded me of Jacob. MLIT

#4529 (599) - Dec 5, 2009 09:36 AM by Jacobxoxobaby - Random - So twilight! (4512) - Needs more twilight.. (4614)

Today, I spent 3 hours making this twilight website. MLIT

#7 (189) - May 24, 6648 12:59 PM by christophermc - My Life - So twilight! (4373) - Needs more twilight.. (4263)

Lately, I've had a fever and get mad really easily. I'm in pain, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting taller and more muscular. While waiting to transform (I'm obviously about to transform into a shapeshifter), I'm trying to decide who the vampires are, and if they're the good kind... MLIT (:

#27074 (62) - Mar 19, 2010 04:30 PM by AboutToTransform - My Life - So twilight! (1928) - Needs more twilight.. (1693)

Today, my ex-boyfriend threw my Twilight book across the room. He was still my boyfriend before that. MLIT

#5364 (136) - Dec 7, 2009 02:42 PM by Pickle - Love - So twilight! (2535) - Needs more twilight.. (1282)

I can't wait for my senior year prom because I'm going to have the best date ever. Who might that be? My Edward Stand up poster of course! MLIT

#17571 (101) - Jan 14, 2010 08:31 PM by scullen - My Life - So twilight! (252) - Needs more twilight.. (808)

My friend Kendall and I fight over who gets Edward, so I have him Monday and Weekends, and she has him Tuesday through Friday, but our other friend Tina gets no days what soever. Win. MLIT.

#19874 (30) - Jan 20, 2010 04:44 PM by sparklevamp - Friends - So twilight! (116) - Needs more twilight.. (422)

I have a life-sized cardboard cutout of Edward in my room. When I saw New Moon again I bought an extra ticket and had Edward sit next to me. Best date ever. MLIT

#1710 (87) - Dec 1, 2009 05:27 PM by Domino - Love - So twilight! (2001) - Needs more twilight.. (748)

On Halloween all of my friends came over and we all dressed up as the Volturi. We took my Edward Cullen cardboard cutout, and put him in a red cloak. We all stood outside with candy that night, acting out scenes from the book....then i scared a little girl by kissing my cutout. MLIT

#10688 (52) - Jan 3, 2010 02:34 PM by punchingwolves - Friends - So twilight! (558) - Needs more twilight.. (1120)

I've always been extremely clumsy, but now, whenever I fall down or get a paper cut, I feel happy because. MLIT.

#21931 (41) - Feb 1, 2010 04:34 PM by ninjapia - My Life - So twilight! (443) - Needs more twilight.. (1279)

When I went to see Twilight in the theater, I was parked next to a silver Volvo. I spent a lot of time searching for Edward in the audience. MLIT

#27081 (33) - Mar 19, 2010 06:42 PM by SheJazz - My Life - So twilight! (727) - Needs more twilight.. (1434)

When people at my school ask me if I have a boyfriend, they always add "Your Edward Cullen cut-out and posters do not count." Then I say "Then, I'm single, but not available." MLIT (and Edward).

#10125 (39) - Dec 31, 2009 08:36 AM by edward is mine - Random - So twilight! (1106) - Needs more twilight.. (493)

Today, I was telling my friend about this guy who bit my wrist while drunk at a party. Ever since, she refers to him as the "vampire guy." No wonder I find him so attractive. MLIT

#21922 (44) - Feb 1, 2010 03:56 PM by teek - Love - So twilight! (1376) - Needs more twilight.. (906)

Today there was a life sized Edward poster taped to the wall of the hallway. I was about to run up and hug it, but a storm of other high schoolers got there first. I go to an all guys school, and yes. I am gay.

#19825 (25) - Jan 20, 2010 01:39 PM by Biddy - Random - So twilight! (430) - Needs more twilight.. (119)

The first thing I did in 2010 was kiss my Edward cardboard cut-out.

#10584 (103) - Jan 3, 2010 08:50 AM by bella - Love - So twilight! (2107) - Needs more twilight.. (1501)

Today, I went shopping with my mom and my friend and we entered a store that had lifesize cardboard cutouts of celebrities. There was an Edward Cullen cutout at the back of the store. I ran up to it and started making out with it. I am now banned from that store MLIT

#4042 (14) - Dec 4, 2009 01:14 PM by inlohve. - Love - So twilight! (160) - Needs more twilight.. (41)

Today i was coughing like crazy and my brother comes running and yells in a joking way "Do we need to get you to a doctor?!" and all i can say between coughs is "CALL CARLISLE!!!" Its funny how the first thing that comes to my mind is twilight and not OMG im choking. MLI(always)T.

#19905 (19) - Jan 20, 2010 06:41 PM by twwiilightttt. - Random - So twilight! (411) - Needs more twilight.. (180)

Today I went to a party with my new boyfriend and best friend. They hate each other. So when they started arguing I stepped inbetween them and screamed 'I AM SWITZERLAND!' My best friend started laughing; my boyfriend didn't get it. I now have a 1st date with my best friend tomorrow. MLIT :)

#6725 (38) - Dec 11, 2009 08:12 PM by Nicky - Love - So twilight! (651) - Needs more twilight.. (287)

Today, I realized that whenever I eat food, I feel guilty and regret it because I think it might make me seem unattractive to a vampire. MLIT

#19907 (46) - Jan 20, 2010 06:44 PM by spidermonkey - My Life - So twilight! (361) - Needs more twilight.. (271)

Today, I came to the conclusion that I don't have a boyfriend because no one meets the high standards I set. Those high standards meaning they aren't a vampire. I'll even take a werewolf at this point. I guess I'm waiting for the right monster to come along. MLIT.

#4024 (32) - Dec 4, 2009 12:29 PM by kayleighkill - Love - So twilight! (553) - Needs more twilight.. (147)

Today, my bf thought it would be romantic to climb through my bedroom window. I pushed him back out because he's not Edward. MLIT

#3502 (32) - Dec 3, 2009 07:54 AM by Anonymous - Love - So twilight! (537) - Needs more twilight.. (136)

Today I covered my boyfriend with glitter and made him stand in the big walk in fridge at work so he would be like Edward :) MLIT

#20886 (60) - Jan 25, 2010 04:59 PM by Anonymous - Love - So twilight! (401) - Needs more twilight.. (548)

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