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I love HP. I'm just here for a laugh :P
Today, I realised that on bad days I come onto this website to cheer myself up and to make me feel happy. Not because I am in love with Edward and Jacob, or wish I was Bella but because it makes me glad to think there are SADDER people in the world. MLINT.
Today there was frost on the ground, so when the light hit it it sparkled. I was walking into school with my brother, and he suddnley got uber exctied and said...'THE GROUND IS LIKE EDWARD'S SKIN!!!' I will never look at frost the same again!
A month ago, my sister started dating someone who looks a lot like Edward Cullen. For the past month, I've been subtly flirting and "accidentally" pouring sparkles on him. Today, my sister found out, and she told me to stay away from her boyfriend. Nothing can stop the path of true love. MLIT
Today it was my Best friends birthday. I called her and said how old are you,And she said 23. And then i said how long have you been 17? And she hung up on me. MLIT