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  • Name : Janice
  • City/Country : Quebec, Canada
  • Birthday : Feb 20, 1993
  • Gender : Female
  • Profile Views : 263
  • Number of comments : 5
  • Number of stories : 0

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I read the Twilight series and I almost cried because it was so bad. I'm a HP fan all the way. I think all Twihards are a danger to society and are the reason the world will end in 2012. And for this whole team Edward, team Jacob thing, my vote goes to Mike Newton.


Today I woke up from a nap on my girlfriends couch only to realize that she had covered me in Twilight body glitter while I was asleep. FML+MLIT

#6 (182) - Aug 27, 3226 12:59 PM by Andrew - My Life - So twilight! (12278) - Needs more twilight.. (2361)

Today I went to go see NEW MOON, when Edward took of his shirt the only thing I noticed was that his right nipple seemed bigger than his left nipple. MLIT

#11 (157) - Aug 27, 7593 12:59 PM by Marielgetsreal - Random - So twilight! (16805) - Needs more twilight.. (1647)

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