Today I ran into my friend and I realized he looks exactly like Edward. He promised not to go outside this summer so that we can dress up as Bella and Edward for Halloween. MLIT
The other day I decided to change my voicemail. It now states, "I know what you are going to do. Say it, out loud say it. You're going to...leave a message. When, tell me when. You are going to leave it....after the beep." Only my cool friends seem to know what I am talking about :) MLIT
Today, I was driving with my sister and it was snowing. She pointed out that the road was so sparkly and beautiful. I proceeded to say, "Yeah! It looks like Edward Cullen threw up!" MLIT.
Today, it was raining. Walking up the stairs to a building, I slipped & nearly face-planted if not for a strong hand that gripped my elbow just in time, saving me from complete embarrassment. He was pale with a half smile & golden eyes & whispered, "could you at least watch where you walk?" MLIT!
Today, I saw that my horoscope started with the words "A New Moon in Capricorn today..." and proceded to quote lines from both the movies and the books. Starting with Jacob's line, "Does my being half naked bother you?" MLIT
Today we were learning about Romeo and Juliet. No one understood the story, so I added twilight character names to the story. We were sad when Jacob/Tybalt/Paris died. At least we all understand basic Shakespear. MLIT
I can't wait for my senior year prom because I'm going to have the best date ever. Who might that be? My Edward Stand up poster of course! MLIT
Today, I realized that my favorite thing to do when someone rushes past on a motorcycle is to shout, "SLOW DOWN, JACOB BLACK!!!" it makes me feel like MLIT.
A while ago I was in bed IMing my friend. Suddenly I smelled something unusually sweet. So I told my friend. We came to the conclusion that Edward was hiding under my bed. So my friend said "Your birthday is September 13th!" We continued to plot how my life would turn out in accord to twilight. MLIA