Today I tried to get on MLIA, but the site wouldn't work so I tried MLIT and it worked. Touche. MLIT
Today was the best day of my life! This morning I accidentally scratched my wrist on my kitchen cabinet while grabbing some oatmeal. When I got to work everyone said it looked like a vampire bite. MLIT
Today, I noticed that the keys on the computer that spell EDWARD are really close together, and the keys that say BELLA are really far apart. MLIT
Today I woke up and it was raining really hard. For a minute I thought I was in Forks but then I saw my neighbor's house out the window. It would have been nice to be in Forks. It continued raining all day. MLIT
Today I was going throught pictures I had taken recently and was planning on fixing the red eye on them, then I realized that I looked like a newborn. I didn't fix them. MLIT
Today me and my friend went to the mall and bought a new cut out. We now have Jacob, Edward, Alice. Next stop Bella.
Today I used the new strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner. Edward, I'm waiting! MLIT
Today, a friend came up to me and told me that i drive really slow. he said he was behind me on the way to school. i asked him how he knew it was me and he replied, "you are the only one at our school that has an I Heart Edward Cullen bumber sticker on the back of your car". MLIT
I live in the Pacific northwest, and met my first boyfriend in a biology class when we were both juniors. He's pale, gets perfect grades, and has a silver car. He also saved me from a speeding, out of control car that year. MLIT