Today was my 1st day back to school. I ran into my class and sat down without looking around since I was almost late. When I looked up, I saw a person with bright red, really curly hair, and a white-ish fur vest. I immediatly thought Victoria was out to get me. I was paranoid the rest of class. MLIT
Today, after a night I don't remember, I realized that the majority of my phone contacts had been changed to Twilight names, including my mum being Esme and my father being Carlisle and my ex being "Jacob's evil twin". MLIT
Today, I was hanging out in the Chalet after snowboarding. I was randomly staring around the room when my eyes fell on the condiments counter. Over top of the napkins, there was a machine dispensing utensils labelled "Forks." I stared at it in wonder with a big smile on my face. MLIT
Today, I read how people typed Jacob or Edward into Mystery Google. I typed Edward Cullen and came up with Are you my Prince Charming? I'm searching Jacob next. :) TEAM SWITZERLAND!
Today one of my favorite old teachers confessed that she used to purposely give her students busy work so she could read twilight under her desk. MLIT
You know how kids love to pretend play ? My boys (5 & 6y) & girl (8y) no longer act out Optimus, Megatron & Supergirl roles. I was in my room & overheard them acting out Twilight scenes. Faves of theirs are baseball & Edward/James fight scenes. I have an Alice, an Edward & a Jasper living with me!
The other day my youth group and I were asking each other funny questions about God. One of my guy friends asked "What kind of car does God drive?" I immediately yelled "A silver, Volvo." Oh yes... MLIT