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Today in biology, my friends and I were on mystery google - we decided to type in one of our names into it and it took us to the wikipedia page for "Edward Cullen"! He then proceeded to make sure that we didn't tell everyone that he was secretly a vampire, he's my new best friend! MLIT

#20968 - Jan 26, 2010 09:56 AM by amber345 - Friends - So twilight! (361) - Needs more twilight.. (941)

Today in physics class we were learning how humans can't hear more than 15000MH, and my taecher added "so no, noone would be able to hear a sound of 30000 MH" I added in silence "Edward would!" ;) MLIT

#20962 - Jan 26, 2010 08:56 AM by Olga - School - So twilight! (377) - Needs more twilight.. (1067)

Today, My friend and I were in class and someone said "Ughh it's raining" I then quickly replied with" How ya likin the rain girl?". No one but the Twlight lovers got it! MLIT.

#20960 - Jan 26, 2010 08:32 AM by Kenzay. - Friends - So twilight! (1814) - Needs more twilight.. (832)

Today my boyfriend touched my face, and for the fisrt time i didn't flinch at how cold his hands were. He looked at me and said............"your pretending i'm Edward aren't you?" I blushed as we both knew it was true. I can offically say MLIT!!!!

#20958 - Jan 26, 2010 07:56 AM by lisacullen - Love - So twilight! (8800) - Needs more twilight.. (6139)

Everyday that I wake up to find sunny blue skies, I'm secretly happy to have just one thing in my life that Bella would be jealous of. MLIT.

#20957 - Jan 26, 2010 07:50 AM by Pathetic. - My Life - So twilight! (530) - Needs more twilight.. (897)

The other day my 25 year old brother told me that my hazel eyes are the exact same color as the Cullen's eyes. Also that my face was sparkling. My life is Twilight.

#20952 - Jan 26, 2010 06:39 AM by Twilighteyes - My Life - So twilight! (401) - Needs more twilight.. (903)

While I was on the ski lift in NH, I looked down at the powder snow and thought to myself, "the snow sparkles like Edwards skin" I got really excited, and preceded to daydream about Edward all the way to the top of the mountain... MLIT! :)

#20951 - Jan 26, 2010 06:19 AM by SkiBunny - Random - So twilight! (231) - Needs more twilight.. (1144)

Today I spoke to my brother about where he would want to live when we move back to the US. He says Washington "because of the grizzlies." He wants to go up to one and fight it. I branded him an Emmett wannabe. Just gotta find his Rosalie! MILT!

#20944 - Jan 26, 2010 03:53 AM by NP913 - Random - So twilight! (431) - Needs more twilight.. (679)

I don't know what's worse: that I woke up on an airplane from Washington to Chicago with glitter in my hair and on my peacoat or that the giggling tweens who did it followed me around the airport. I might have high cheek-bones, short brown-red hair and hazel eyes, but I'M A GIRL!!! Apparently, MLIT.

#20943 - Jan 26, 2010 03:05 AM by Jane - My Life - So twilight! (2630) - Needs more twilight.. (681)

Not long ago, my friend went through her entire closet. It was the week that New Moon had come out. At school, for each day of the week, she tried to replicate the same outfits worn by Bella, Rosalie and Alice from the Twilight movie. It was quite fun, even though not many people noticed. MLIT

#20933 - Jan 26, 2010 12:03 AM by Ello - Friends - So twilight! (685) - Needs more twilight.. (384)

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