Today in biology, my friends and I were on mystery google - we decided to type in one of our names into it and it took us to the wikipedia page for "Edward Cullen"! He then proceeded to make sure that we didn't tell everyone that he was secretly a vampire, he's my new best friend! MLIT
Everyday that I wake up to find sunny blue skies, I'm secretly happy to have just one thing in my life that Bella would be jealous of. MLIT.
The other day my 25 year old brother told me that my hazel eyes are the exact same color as the Cullen's eyes. Also that my face was sparkling. My life is Twilight.
Today I spoke to my brother about where he would want to live when we move back to the US. He says Washington "because of the grizzlies." He wants to go up to one and fight it. I branded him an Emmett wannabe. Just gotta find his Rosalie! MILT!
Not long ago, my friend went through her entire closet. It was the week that New Moon had come out. At school, for each day of the week, she tried to replicate the same outfits worn by Bella, Rosalie and Alice from the Twilight movie. It was quite fun, even though not many people noticed. MLIT