Yes, I totes bought a 2012 Chevy Camaro just so I could pretend I was driving Bumblebee.

Oh, I went out and brought a pale blue Ford Anglia and flew it to Hogwarts :D I felt just like Ronald Weasley :D

In my school, everyone who likes twilight (sorry, can't bring myself to type it in capitals) are all "popular" crowd-following idiots -not forgetting the sad emos of course-. They only like it because it has "hawt" "babez" in it. On the other hand, everyone who likes Harry Potter. Is. Cool.

OMG THAT IS LIKE TOTALLY TWILIGHT! Too bad that like, the other day me and my brother went out to Diagon Alley and tried to buy the Firebolt exactly like Harry Potter. Instead we stuck with the Nimbus Two Thousand and One.