^It's more common than you think! In any case, Bella is far from a character. She's more like a target, if anything. Ahaha *cough*~
You mean to tell me.... That you're "in love".... with a fictional character....?
I would like to tell you that I am not fat and ugly. I have read Twilight, and ok, I admit it, I was a little Twi-hard for a while, then I read Harry Potter, and my brain cells regrew. I am very, very insulted that you said that all Harry Potter fans are fat and ugly. I just happen to be very skinny due to a high metabolism. But that's not the point. Don't just assume that people are fat and ugly just because they don't like a certain book series. Even though I'm still, three years later, still regrowing my brain cells from reading Twilight, some of the things I've read here are pretty harsh. And, I Love Eclipse, you really over reacted. Get some counseling, please. Thank you.
And alright you guys, I'm not a Twilight fan, but could you lay off the comparing Twilight to Harry Potter? Yes, Harry Potter is a marvelous series. Yes, Twilight is a little silly. But chill the heck out! This is Twilight fan site, let the Twilight fans be Twilight fans! If you don't like it, go away. Seriously. Now, I'm not defending Twilight or trying to promote it as a piece of deep and thought-provoking literature. But I'm just trying to ask everyone to be civil. Make us look good, Harry Potter fans, and just chill out. You're acting like children. If you want to promote Harry Potter, go to a Harry Potter site, not a Twilight site. That is all.
Oh, well, @I Love Eclipse, that's convenient--because I am indeed retarded, fat, and ugly. But, at least I have a personality and more than two facial expressions. ;)