over obsessed much?!

saraeatsrainbows: Us Potterheads come onto this site because it is open to the public. If you don't want us on here, you should have a rule made that says anyone with a username that has anything to do with Harry Potter or anti-Tw*l*ght should not be allowed on this site. I think it would be obvious. Muggles these days...

Best thing to ever happen to him.

What a lucky guy...

You guys should stop being rude. Even thought what this girl did seems stupid, that doesn't give you the right to go and be mean. I'm pretty sure that all of you Harry Potter fanatics out there own a MLIA aacount, and probably post things up there, or on your Harry Potter sights that are stupid, and idiotic too. If you don't like twilight, then why in the world would you go through the trouble of making a twilight account? Is your self-esteem that low that you have to go and put down twilight fans?? I don't think that J.K. Rowling would like that very much. And, you are violating internet rules. It is actually illegal to bully someone over the internet. They usually call it Cyber Bullying. This girl may actually have real problems, and you guys are just being rude. Before you go and tell other people on here that Twilight sucks, just remember that it's just a book, and a movie. So what if people like it? You are showing just how immature you are, and you disgrace Harry Potter's name by doing that. By stooping so low, that you have to make fun of others hobbies, even if they aren't to realistic. Because NEWS FLASH, neither are yours. There is NO Hogwarts, or Quidditch, or Ron Weasly. Sorry. So, just take you and your snotty arses off of this site, unless you are a TWILIGHT FAN. No one wants you on here if you are just going to shoot them down. Oh and by the way, it says in the rules for adding a comment on this website "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." Maybe you guys should try following that. (: