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I guess I should put a tiny bit about myself, seeing as that IS the subtitle of this section. My name is Lindsay, I'm thirteen,( yeah, you read that right, THIRTEEN) and I strongly despise the Twilight series. That's all I'm really in the mood to write about myself, but if you'd like to see a deeper description of my reasons for hating Twilight and being here, read on, be my guest. Actually, contrary to the name of this site, my life certainly is NOT twilight. If I wanted my life to be about a crappy, low-rate, grammatically incorrect, set of novels I'd just insert myself into a fan-girlish Twilight fanfiction. My purpose here is actually quite simple, and that's to find someone to argue with. Debating, to me, is fun as hell, and I love arguing with people about issues. Of course, Twilight isn't even CLOSE to being as important as an issue, but seeing rapid fan-girls attempt to win an argument with ignorant purpose and reasoning is almost as fun as debating itself. See, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every single Twilight fan is incapable of defending themselves with a valid point, I'm just saying I've never MET one, and to go further, I doubt I'm going to find one here. Feel free to prove me wrong, I look forward to a decent argument :) . My opinion on the books is simple, they fucking suck. And not the "awh look Joey just wrote a cute little story" suck, I mean a full blown "holy crap I think I'm gonna hurl chunks", kind of suck. Stephenie's grammar is ATROCIOUS and her plot is even worse, if possible. Her story is the epitome of horrible, and the messages she sends are even worse. Her books are full of underlining themes of the old Damsel in Distress, and is heavily bordering on an abusive relationship. Edward Cullen, to put it lightly, is abusive as hell, and STALKS Bella on numerous occasions. It's not even the fact that it's sparkly vampires that annoys me, it's the fact that her characters are blatantly ABUSIVE and her whole text is sending messages to teen girls everywhere saying that these forms of abuse are endearing. It's downright dangerous some of the things this book itself sends out. For one, the suicide scene. Don't even get me started. Let's just ignore the fact that Stephenie used SUICIDE AS A FUCKING PLOT DEVICE, let's just ignore the fact that she BELITTLED a serious issue in order to put her characters in a more effective position, hell, we can even ignore the fact that it was a vampire relationship that caused the suicide attempt, but the one thing we can't ignore is the fact that Bella, after what, four/five months of knowing someone, attempted to KILL herself when he left her? How fucking safe is that? Sending the message that a woman can't live without a man for any period of time is dangerous and STUPID as fuck, and could very well cause other children, some as young as FOURTEEN, to follow in her footsteps. Hell, I could go even deeper and describe the blatant Mormon subtext, but I won't, since I doubt anyone, especially a Twi-hard, would even endure reading this this far. I just wanted to get my point across about this atrocious set of books, and I'm not gonna take up all of my day to do it, so I'm ending my little rant right here.