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At the store I work in, everyone brings new Twilight merch we receive to my desk because they know I'll want to see it. Coworkers leave me notes about it when I'm out. Even the Hallmark lady brought over the Twilight birthday and Halloween cards so I could see them as soon as she stocked them. MLIT.


So twilight! (58) - Needs more twilight.. (42)

Dec 1, 2009 06:25 PM - Work - by asheneyed

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I work with juveniles that have just been arrested. Even though I know these kids have just committed a crime, I smile a little wider and act a little nicer when I talk with one named Edward. MLIT


So twilight! (74) - Needs more twilight.. (149)

Dec 1, 2009 02:32 AM - Work - by DiehardTwihard

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I work the graveyard shift- 11 pm to 7 am. I was telling someone about this, and they replied, "So, you work the vampire shift, huh?" I just smiled.


So twilight! (57) - Needs more twilight.. (36)

Dec 1, 2009 02:31 AM - Work - by DiehardTwihard

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The week before Halloween, there was a 'theme week' at work where we all dressed up in costumes. There was a certain theme missing. I quickly turned to my co-worker and asked, "Why isn't there a vampire day?". She responded, "Everyday is vampire day for you." MLIT


So twilight! (151) - Needs more twilight.. (57)

Nov 30, 2009 11:12 PM - Work - by Em

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I'm 25 years old and I scheduled the day off of work 8 months in advance so I could go watch New Moon as many times as possible, got a babysitter and got to the theatre 3 hours early to scream with all of the kids that were there. Ah, the bonding experience of Twilight fans! MLIT.


So twilight! (56) - Needs more twilight.. (30)

Nov 30, 2009 07:44 PM - Work - by skshep

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I have literally read Midnight Sun and the other random stories/chapters on Stephenie Meyer's web site whilst at work at least 7 times. I do it everytime I need a twi-fix at work. MLIT


So twilight! (62) - Needs more twilight.. (43)

Jun 5, 8827 12:59 PM - Work - by bells

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Today I realized that I almost got into a fist fight with a coworker who was dissing Twilight the other night. I called him a douche after he said it was a ridiculous fandom. I was defending all my Twilightness when my boss interjected by laughing at the fight before I actually hit him. Darnit. MLIT


So twilight! (65) - Needs more twilight.. (56)

Jun 5, 6686 12:59 PM - Work - by HannahCake89

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I was on my way to work this morning and it's raining where I live. I was waiting for thunder but I guess vampires aren't playing baseball today. : )


So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (70)

Jun 5, 4569 12:59 PM - Work - by BellaMarieCullen

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