Two years ago, a friend of mine hooked me up with a boy that looked like 'Edward' because I look like 'Bella.' we've been best friends and dating since then. Thank God for Twilight. MLIT.
Today my boyfriend got me a cutout of Taylor Lautner ,A.K.A. Jacob, and I thought that he was sort of jealous. I asked him and he said "If I were truly jealous, then I would run away and try and expose myself to all humans so they know that I am a real vampire". I think I'm in love.
I loved this guy but I also loved my best guy friend. I kissed my best guy friend and my bf knew but he said it was okay cause he loved me so much. Bella-Jacob-Edward triangle! MLIT
I had a dream where I was Bella. Mine and Edwards life continued on after the breaking dawn series. it felt so real!! I woke up and freaked out when I realized it wasnt real.... Ive been sleeping nonstop so i can dream of it again. MLIT
A month ago, my sister started dating someone who looks a lot like Edward Cullen. For the past month, I've been subtly flirting and "accidentally" pouring sparkles on him. Today, my sister found out, and she told me to stay away from her boyfriend. Nothing can stop the path of true love. MLIT
Today, I dreamed that I was riding on Jacob's back and I was having a really fun time when I noticed Edward in the distance. I waved and called his name but he looked and me and said "You chose him! How could you!" and he ran off. I woke up crying screaming "Edward! Edward!" MLIT
Today I told my bestfriend to tell my current boyfriend of 3 weeks to ask me if he "dazzled" me, he did. I started hyperventalating after I heard those words....MLIT:)
My husband is a Twilight fan. One day I asked him why he can't say sweet things like Edward, and he looked me right in the eyes and said, "You're my perfect brand of Heroin." Sweetest thing he has said to me so far. MLIT
So I've liked this girl for a long time, and I'm pretty sure she likes me back, 2 of her best friends are also dating other guys, all the guys (including me) have read and loved twilight, we gave each of us the names of Edward and Bella, Rosalie and Emmet, and Alice and Jasper. MLIT
Today I went home after class feeling lonely. I picked up my copy of Twilight and flipped to the part where Bella first meets Edward. I proceeded to cry and kiss the cardboard cutout of Edward that I have over and over. He always finds a way to make me feel better! MLIT!!!