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Today, I made my mom sign a three page contract. On the first page it stated what I wanted. I wanted to go see Breaking Dawn the opening day. The second page said why I wanted it. The third page said what would happen to her if she broke this aggrement. Lets just say, i'm watching the movie. MLIT

#58932 - Jul 5, 2011 02:16 PM by Caitlyn333 - My Life - So twilight! (132) - Needs more twilight.. (514)

Today, my boyfriend invited me to play baseball with his family. We got to the field, and it was pooring. Being the usual clutz I am, I fell. My boyfriends sister is short with black pixie like hair, and is close to being my best friend :D MLIT

#58927 - Jul 5, 2011 09:15 AM by bellsaliceftw - Love - So twilight! (275) - Needs more twilight.. (464)

Today I was sitting in class and my thumb started bleeding. I got scared in case it attracted the vampires. MLIT

#58914 - Jul 4, 2011 01:29 PM by princesswagamamma - School - So twilight! (106) - Needs more twilight.. (496)

Today I was was walking through a meadow and I heard thunder.. the Cullens are playing baseball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XxX MLIT

#58913 - Jul 4, 2011 01:27 PM by princesswagamamma - Love - So twilight! (101) - Needs more twilight.. (435)

I was on a civil war database for a school project, and i decided for no apparent reason to look up Edward Cullen... There were fifteen results. I think SOMEONE is cutting a few years off of their age.... :D mlit

#58906 - Jul 4, 2011 01:45 AM by IWatchYouSleep - School - So twilight! (84) - Needs more twilight.. (325)

Today I realized that I've read Twilight 27 times. MLIT

#58866 - Jun 28, 2011 10:25 PM by mybrandofheroin74 - Random - So twilight! (166) - Needs more twilight.. (355)

Today, i was walking into class when there was a new guy. His name is Edward!!!!! My name starts with a b, but its Beth not Bella. MLIT!

#58834 - Jun 27, 2011 12:54 PM by Twilight-er - Love - So twilight! (92) - Needs more twilight.. (501)

Like OMG, I tots realised today that theres a big glass style house near mine and I flipped out because like Edward Cullen might live there!! But then my mum told me that it was just my neighbours green house... MLIT

#58816 - Jun 25, 2011 03:39 PM by Bella - Random - So twilight! (108) - Needs more twilight.. (529)

Today, I realized, my name starts with a B! Just like BELLA! And my boyfriend Eric's name starts with E like Edward! It was meant to be... MLIT!

#58804 - Jun 24, 2011 03:39 PM by TWILIGHTISMYLIFE!!!!: - Love - So twilight! (83) - Needs more twilight.. (745)

Today, I was re-reading Twilight, and as I read I realized that in 7th grade I had the same schedule as Bella her first day at Forks High School. 1. English, 2. Social Studies, 3. Math, 4. Elective, 5. Science, 6. Gym. !!!! :) MLIT

#58802 - Jun 24, 2011 03:21 PM by mads - School - So twilight! (350) - Needs more twilight.. (307)

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